No included in the log as it was not part of the business of the ship, i that a gentleman, Mr. Brennan who, although he knew of the plan for the escape but was not part of those making it happen, wanted not only to be connected to the escape, but to have it appear he was in charge of the operation. During the trip home he presented himself as the leader of the expedition to the escaped Fenians, and attempted to organize them to mutiny against the actual leader and the captain. As a result, in spite of the chance that those who succeeded in freeing them took, he fomented discord.
When the ship finally arrived in New York, Mr. Brennan objected to having to pay the officers of the ship or their crew anything for the work they did.
Although from the logs it is obvious First Mate Samuel P Smith was a man of business and loyalty, he took a stand upon arriving back to the U.S., and everyone got paid.
Thursday June 1st
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NW and cloudy weather Ship heading N by E. Middle and Latter part Strong breeses and Squally accompanyed with rain Ship heading about the same
Friday June 2d
This day commences with Strong breeses from the NW and cloudy weather Ship heading N by E Middle and Latter part fresh breeses and Squally with rain wind mostly from the WNW heading about NNWLat 35 16
Saturday June 3d
This day commences with fresh breeses from the WSW and cloudy weather Ship heading NW to NW by N Middle and Latter part more moderate ship heading NW At 6 AM the wind dyed away to a calm At 7 AM Saw the Land.
Sunday June 4th
This day commences with Light breeses from the E and clear pleasant weather Steering W at Sundown Land Still in Sight on our Starboard quarter Middle part much the Same Latter part calm Saw One Sail
Monday June 5th
This day commences with a calm and clear pleasant weather Saw two Sail and Several finbacks At 6 pm Light breese from the E Steering W.N.W Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the N untill 6 Am then fresh breeses from the NW. Ship heading W.S.W
Tuesday June 6th
This day commences with Strong breeses from the W.N.W and clear weather Ship heading SW At 2 pm blowing a gale Ship under Lower maintopsail and Stay Sails Middle part blowing heavy with Squalls of rain Latter part more moderate At 7 AM wore Ship heading N. (at 6 pm turn the waist boat up–written in margin in parentheses)
Wednesday June 7th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the WNW and cloudy overcast weather heading N At 5 pm the wind Shifted in a Squall to SE with rain Steering W.N.W At 5 pm bent Lower foretopsail Middle and Latter Strong breeses and passing Squalls Steering WNW
Thursday June 8th
This day commences with Strong breeses from the SE and cloudy Squally weather Steering NW by N at 3 pm kept her NNW Middle part much the Same Latter part more moderate at 9 Am wind dyed away to a calm
Friday June 9th
This day commences with Light airs and calm from the NW and clear pleasant weather Ship heading mostly NNE Middle and Latter part Light airs from the W Steering N
Saturday June 10th
This day commences with Light breeses from the W and clear pleasant weather Steering N Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the SW At 7 AM kept her NNW Saw three Sail
Sunday June 11th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE And clear pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part Much the same Steering N by W Saw Six Sail Merchantmen
Monday June 12th
This day commences with Light breeses from the S.S.E and clear pleasant weather Steering N by W Middle and Latter part Much the same Steering N by W half W Saw Six Sails
Tuesday June 13th
This day commences with Light breeses from the S And clear pleasant weather Steering N by W half W. At 4 pm bent upper fore topsail Middle and Latter part Much the same Saw three Sails Employed in repairing spanker
Wednesday June 14th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE And pleasant weather Steering N by W. half W. Middle and Latter part Light baffaling winds mostly from the Northward and Eastward Saw one Sail and two finbacks Employed in bending and repairing spanker
Thursday June 15th
This day commences with Light breeses from N And pleasant weather Ship heading WNW At 4 pm tacked heading ENE Middle and Latter part wind from the NNE At 11 pm tacked heading NW Saw one Sail
Friday June 16th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the N And cloudy overcast weather Ship heading E by N to ENE Middle part Much the Same untill 12 midnight then the wind Shifted in a Squall to the W Steering N Latter part much the Same untill 9 Am then it hauled to the NW heading NNE
Saturday June 17th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NW And cloudy overcast weather Ship heading NNE Middle and Latter part Much the Same Except a few passing Squalls
Sunday June 18th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NNW and clear weather Ship heading N to N by E Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the SW Steering NNW
Monday June 19th
This day commences with fresh breeses from S and clear pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part fresh breeses from the SSE Steering NNW
Tuesday June 20th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SSE Cloudy overcast weather Steering NNW Middle part Much the same Latter part Light breeses Steering the Same
Wednesday June 21st
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE and pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in mending upper fore topsail
Thursday June 22d
This day commences with Light breeses from the S by E And pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part Much the Same Employed in mending Lower fore topsail
Friday June 23d
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE And pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part fresh breeses and Smoky hazey weather Steering NNW
Saturday June 24th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SSE and Smoky and hazey weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part Much the Same At 7 AM kept her N by W half W
Sunday June 25th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SSW and Smoky hazey weather Steering NNW At sundown took in the Light Sails Middle and Latter part light breeses and pleasant weather Saw finbacks
Monday June 26th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part Much the Same Employed in mending fore Sail Saw finback
Tuesday June 27th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSW and pleasant weather Steering NNW at 5 pm kept her NW by N Middle and Latter part Much the Same Steering the Same Employed on the foresail
Wednesday June 28th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE and pleasant weather Steering NW by N Employed on the foresail At 6 pm finished and bent the foresail Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the SE Employed in Setting up the fore and maintopmast rigging
Thursday June 29th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE And pleasant weather Steering NW by W Middle and Latter part Much the Same Employed in rattleing down the mizzen rigging and oiling the yards
Friday June 30th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW Middle and Latter part Much the Same Employed in the mizzen rigging Saw One Sail
Saturday July 1st
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE And pleasant weather Steering NW half N Middle and Latter part Much the Same Employed in reeving off New Landyards on the port Side of main rigging and other jobs in the rigging Saw finbacks
Sunday July 2d
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE by E and pleasant weather Steering NW Middle and Latter part Much the Same Saw finbacks
Monday July 3d
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW Middle and Latter part fresh breeses Steering NW half N Employed in rattling down the main rigging
Tuesday July 4th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW half N Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in rattling down the main rigging and pulling a Spar up and down the foremast And Lashing it for which we found it to be rotten underneath the cap
Wednesday July 5th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW half N Middle and Latter part much the Same Steering NW by N Employed in squaring the Seasing on the main rigging
Thursday July 6th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW by N Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in rattling down the forerigging
Friday July 7th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NW by N Middle and Latter part Light airs Employed in rattling down for rigging and maintopmast rigging Saw two Sails
Saturday July 8th
This day commences with Light airs from the SE and pleasant weather Steering NNW Middle and Latter part Squally and rainy weather from the SE Steering the Same
Sunday July 9th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SE and squally rainy weather Steering N by W At 6 pm kept her NNW Middle and Latter part much the Same
Monday July 10th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering N Middle and Latter part much the Same
Tuesday July 11th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering N by E Middle and Latter part much the Same
Wednesday July 12th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SE and pleasant weather Steering N by E Middle and Latter part fresh breeses and Squally rainy weather
Thursday July 13th
This day commences with Light breeses from the S and cloudy Squally Looking weather Steering N by E Middle part variables winds and Squally rainy weather Latter part fresh breeses from the S and cloudy weather Steering N by E.
Friday July 14th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE and cloudy Smoky weather Steering NE At 3 pm kept her N Middle and Latter part variables winds with changeable weather
Saturday July 15th
This day commences with a calm and pleasant weather Middle and Latter part variables winds and Squally rainy weather
Sunday July 16th
This day commences with variables winds and Squally rainy weather At 5 pm fresh breeses from the NE Steering NW Middle and Latter part Light breeses Steering NW
Monday July 17th
This day commences with Light breeses from the NE and pleasant weather Steering NW Middle and Latter part Light variables winds with passing Squalls mostly from the Southward and Eastward Steering NW half N Saw One Sail
Tuesday July 18th
This day commences with Light variables winds and calm with a few Squalls hanging around Middle and Latter part Much the Same untill 6 Am then Light breese from the W heading NNW
Wednesday July 19th
This day commences with Light breeses from the W and clear pleasant weather Ship heading NNW Middle and Latter part calm
Thursday July 20th
This day commences with a calm and clear pleasant weather Except a few Squalls hanging around At 3 pm Light breese from the S Steering NW Middle part Light breese from the S Latter part Light variables winds at 6:30 Am raised what was called Sperm whales At 7:30 Am Lowered for them got within a mile of them and never see them afterward Saw plenty of Blackfish and one finback At 11 Am came on board then had a good breese from the S and heavy Squalls hanging around Steering NW
Friday July 21th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the S and Squally cloudy Looking weather Steering NW At 3 pm wind dyed away then variables winds with Light Squalls and rain Middle and Latter part fresh breeses from the SE and thick rainy weather Steering NW
Saturday July 22st
This day commences with variables winds and Squally rainy weather Middle and Latter part fresh breeses from the S. And thick rainy weather Steering NW
Sunday July 23d
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SW and cloudy Squally Looking weather Steering NW half W At 6 pm wind hauled to the WSW heading NW Middle part variables winds and rainy Latter part calm
Monday July 24th
This day commences with a calm and cloudy weather with a few Squalls hanging around At 3 pm Light breeses from the E and clear weather Steering N by W half W Middle part Light breeses Latter part fresh breeses from the NE Ship heading from NNW to NW by N
Tuesday July 25th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NE and cloudy overcast weather Ship heading from NNW to NW by N Middle and Latter part much the Same
Wednesday July 26th
This day commences with Strong breeses from the NE and cloudy overcast weather Ship heading from the NNW to NW by N Middle and Latter part Strong breeses and more to the Eastward heading from N half W to N by W half W
Thursday July 27th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NE to NE by E and cloudy overcast weather heading from N half W to N by W half W Middle and Latter part wind more to the E Steering N half W
Friday July 28th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the E and clear weather Steering N half W At 3 pm boarded the Ship Kentuckian of Boston from Liverpool bound to New Orleans At 9 pm kept her NW by N Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in filling up the fore rigging
Saturday July 29th
This day commences with fine breeses from the ENE and clear weather Steering NW Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the ESE Steering NW By W Employed in taring down the rigging fore and aft
Sunday July 30th
This day commences with Light breeses from the ESE and pleasant weather Steering NW by W Middle and Latter part much the Same
Monday July 31st
This day commences with Light breeses from the ESE and clear pleasant weather Steering NW by W At 4 pm kept her NW Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in taring down the rigging fore and aft
Tuesday Aug 1st
This day commences with Light breeses from the ESE and clear pleasant weather Steering NW half W At 5 pm kept her NW by W Middle and Latter part much the Same At 7 Am kept her WNW Employed in taring the rigging
Wednesday Aug 2d
This day commences with Light breeses from the ESE and clear pleasant weather Steering WNW Middle and Latter part much the Same Employed in taring footropes Lifts and brace blocks pendants and Scraping and oiling the blocks
Thursday Aug 3d
This day commences with Light airs from the ESE and clear pleasant weather Steering WSW Middle part variables winds and Squally with rain Latter part Light breeses from the SE Steering WNW Employed in cleaning the chain plates and around the Dead Eyes
Friday Aug 4th
This day commences with Light breeses from the WSW and clear pleasant weather Ship heading NW half W Middle and Latter part Squally and rainy with baring wind but mostly from the WSW
Saturday Aug 5th
This day commences with Strong breeses from the WSW and cloudy Squally weather Ship heading from NW to NW by W Middle part clear weather with the wind from the WSW heading NW Latter part Squally with baring wind mostly from the Southard and Westward Ship heading from W by N to NW Saw One Sail
Sunday Aug 6th
This day commences with baring winds and Squally rainy weather mostly from the Southard and Weastward Ship heading from W by N to NW Middle and Latter part much the Same
Monday Aug 7th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SW and clear weather Ship heading from W by N to WNW Middle part much the Same Latter part Light airs and calm Employed in painting the chain
Tuesday Aug 8th
This day commences with Light airs and calm and clear pleasant weather Middle and Latter part much the Same Except a few rain Squalls Employed in Scraping the mast and topmast heads and oiling them
Wednesday Aug 9th
This day commences with variables winds and Squally with rain At 7 pm heavy thunder and Lightening Middle and Latter part calm Employed in Scraping the jibboom and mizzenmast and oiling them
Thursday Aug 10th
This day commences with Light variables winds and calm with clear weather Except a few Squalls hanging around Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the ESE untill 5 Am then calm Steering WNW Employed at various jobs
Friday Aug 11th
This day commences with a calm and pleasant weather Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the Eastward Steering NW by W Saw One Sail Employed in washing outside
Saturday Aug 12th
This day commences with Light breeses from the ESE and pleasant weather Steering NW by W At 7 pm kept her WNW Middle part variables winds and Squally Latter part fresh breeses from the SE and Squally Steering WNE
Sunday Aug 13th
This day commences with Light airs and calm At 1:30 pm raised a school of Sperm whales clost to the Ship got ready and Lowered but the whales See the Ship and boats and Started off to leeward boat in chased At 6 pm came on board had a heavy squally of wind and rain from the SE Never Saw the whales again from the boats At 7 pm fresh breeses from the ESE Steering WNW Middle and Latter part Strong breeses and Squally with rain At 5 Am had a heavy squall of wind and rain took in Everything but Lower maintopsail and foresail blowing heavy with heavy Squally of rain Steering from NW by W to NW At 11:30 AM more moderate Set the topsails and mainsail Squally weather
Monday Aug 14th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SW by W to WSW and cloudy weather and accompanyed with passing Squally of wind and rain Steering NW half N Middle and Latter part fresh breeses from the SW accompanyed with passing squalls Steering NW by N Saw two sails
Tuesday Aug 15th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SW and cloudy weather accompanyed with Light passing Squalls of rain Steering NW by N half N At 4 pm kept her NNW Middle and Latter part fresh breeses and Squally with plenty of rain Employed in washing Ship in Side Saw One Sail
Wednesday Aug 16th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the SW and cloudy Squally weather with plenty of rain Steering N by W half W At 4 pm wind dyed away to a calm with pleasant weather Middle part Light breeses from the NW to NNW heading from W to W by S Latter part much the Same untill 7 Am then tacked Ship heading from N to NNW Saw three Sails
Thursday Aug 17th
This day commences with Light breeses from the W and clear pleasant weather Ship heading NNW At 5 pm wind hauled to the NW heading NNE Middle and Latter part Light breeses from the E Steering NW Saw three Sails
Friday Aug 18th
This day commences with Light breeses from the SSE and clear pleasant weather Steering NW by N half N Middle and Latter part fresh breeses from the ENE and cloudy weather Steering NW by N half N At 10 Am kept her N by W Saw Several Sails
Saturday Aug 19th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the ENE and cloudy overcast weather Steering NNW at 2 pm took a pilot from pilot boat No 3 Steering NW by N half N At 5:30 pm took a tug boat Scandinavian At 6:30 pm Saw the Highlands Middle and Latter part much the Same At1:30 Am came to anchor in of the Battery At 10:30 AM the passengers Started with Some of their friends for the Shore plenty of visitors coming and going from the Ship all the time
Sunday Aug 20th
This day commences with fresh breeses from the N and clear pleasant weather at 8 pm captian Started for home Middle and Latter part much the Same Ship crowded with folks from the Shore
Monday Aug 21st
This day commences with fresh breeses from the NW and clear pleasant weather Middle and Latter part much the Same
Tuesday Aug 22d
This day commences with fresh breeses from the W and clear pleasant weather Middle and Latter part much the Same at11 Am took our anchors and took a tug and started for New Bedford Middle part much the Same Latter part Light breeses from SE Still working down towards New Bedford
Wednesday Aug 23
This day commences with moderate breeses from the SSE and pleasant weather Ship Still working down the Sound At 8 Am came to anchor off New London in 7 fathoms of water give her 30 fathom of chain and furl the Sails Middle part much the Same Latter part Light breeses from SSE At 4 Am took our anchors and took a tug and towed throug the race At 12 Noon passed point Judith At 6 pm took a tug and went to city wharf Made her fast
So ends this day and pleasant voyage to JT Richardson