this time perhaps?

in 1986 Ronald Reagan enacted huge tax cuts for corporations, and to make up for the lossĀ  of the money the cuts made to the federal coffers, he took a chunk of money from the Social Security account claiming it was a loan, a loan that was never repaid.

He claimed that the extra money corporations would have would be used to create jobs and raise wages.

Like champagne poured into a glass at the top of a champagne glass pyramid trickled down to the lower glasses, the same would happen with the money businesses got to keep.

America waited, but the jobs were not created and wages didn’t go up, but people insisted that it would happen. we had to have faith.

Any day now.

Twenty years of no results later we had another cut. It too gave more money to businesses which, in spite of not doing it, earned the name “job creators”, and, again, called for a loan from the Social Security account. Again we were promised jobs and we had the phrase “job creators” thrown out as the reason why corporations were given benefits while the people, who would actually create jobs because their ability to spend the increased wages they were never to get would have required increased productivity that would rely on increased employment with profits going into the salaries of those who produced the goods people could afford to buy, got nothing.

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Now, 30 years after the first time that things were supposed to happen but didn’t, and10 years after the second time that things were supposed to happen but didn’t, we are being told it will happen just like the last two times.

And sadly, they know people will believe it and patiently await the promised results because they cannot accept and will not admit they were duped.

Considering that last two times while businesses got extra cash while our Social Security money was used to pick up the slack, and considering the businesses kept the money and bought that second vacation home, the new yacht, or gave stock holders big payouts, this time it might have been a good thing to reverse that an give the money to the working people and have the businesses foot the bill like the workers did twice when our Social Security funds were raided.




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