No First Amendment for you.

If you claim that you are upset when players exercise their rights by protesting injustice at sporting events because you go to them to escape from the problems of the real world, are you as equally bothered when military fighter jets do a flyover before athletic events and just before we sing about “bombs bursting in air”?

Wars are part of politics, and people die in them.

These actions are paid for by the Department of Defense and are political in nature. They are meant to desensitize us to the deaths of people we do not know personally, and relieve us of any responsibility, no matter how distant, in those deaths.
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If you think it is perfectly acceptable for a player to take a knee and point heavenward, Tebowing, after he scores a touchdown because religion is part of your life and people have the First Amendment right to do that, you are being rather selective in whose rights can be exercised and when, favoring those closest to your own.

And if, during the National Anthem, you had no problem with the crowds booing the kneeling players, not after, but during the Anthem, perhaps you are selectively choosing who has a right to protest, again favoring those with whose beliefs and experiences you agree.

You have to allow everyone their First Amendment rights, or you have to honestly own that you really don’t.

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