All cities matter

Houston, Texas, is like any other city.

It has its rich people and its poor people. It has law abiding citizens and not so law abiding ones. It has infrastructure needs. It has good and bad schools. It has gainfully employed, under employed and unemployed people. It has its good sections and bad sections. It has its successful businesses and failing businesses.

It is a city like all others.

But now that it is facing conditions that other cities are not facing, it would be un-American to complain that Houston will be getting all kinds of government assistance that other cities are not going to be getting.

The equality of Houston has been set aside because of a hurricane, and anyone who demands that it be treated like any other city is either in denial of what now makes it different and in need of extra attention, or is as moronic as a person can get.

“Houston Matters” cannot at this time be countered with “all Cities Matter”

They will when all is equal.

If all cities were in the same position as Houston, they would all matter equally, and any particular attention to Houston would not be equitable, fair, or correct.
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But Houston, although a city like all others, has some extenuating circumstances that call for it getting particular attention.

All lives matter. But, when one group of people seems to be having their lives discounted more than others, giving special attention to that group takes nothing away from the others.

All lives matter, but there is a problem when people do not recognize or try to dismiss that Black ones do.

When the lives of that group are treated as valuable as other groups, then all lives will obviously matter.

Houston Matters.

Black Lives Matter.



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