Proud Snowflake here


Recently, during a discussion, the person with whom I as interacting revealed through certain statements that his opinion was based on some misinformation.

He showed that he had certain steps of a process wrong, and I thought that, perhaps, if he was set straight, he might modify his opinion on the topic, or might avoid speaking incorrectly to people who mattered more than those of us sitting at the bar enjoying a beer.

I thought it would like realizing that the reason you could not solve for X in an Algebra problem was because you continually put the wrong step before the one it should follow. Once that was corrected, there would be ongoing success.

However, when I offered the facts, he immediately called me a “Whining, liptard Snowflake”, and said he could not accept what I was saying because it was from a liberal.

I had no idea where that came from.

I was a Snowflake because I was offering facts?
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If offering facts that have no political party affiliation but are rejected simply because they do not agree with accepted misinformation made me a Snowflake, knowing my life experiences and that calling me that is nowhere near what I have been called in the past when it really counted and could be professionally and personally damaging,  I am happy to be called that.

Sadly this person will offer his opinion at some pint when it matters, and will not know why no one he is speaking to accepts it as a valid one based on facts, facts he actively chose to reject.

I tried.




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