They got hernias laughing so hard at him after he left


At some point Trump’s apologists will get exhausted and will just have to admit they have been played.

During his campaign, he claimed Mexico would pay for the wall, but now that he is in office the American taxpayer will pay for it, while Mexico will reimburse us the cost. And some will believe the second claim even after seeing him walk back the first that had been accompanied by the admonition that we should all believe him. He is, after all, the master of the deal.

He was going to immediately appoint an independent prosecutor to go after Hillary Clinton once he took the Oath of Office, but upon getting into office, that seems to have gone completely away.

As a matter of fact, since the appointment of an independent prosecutor happened to him, Trump has declared it means he is the most picked on politician ever, which would mean that if he had followed through on his declaration, Hillary Clinton would have been.

He has yet to repeal and replace Obamacare with what was to be the most tremendous healthcare plan in the history of healthcare plans.

Now that he is in Saudi Arabia, all his Anti-Arab, anti-Muslim sturm und drang have given way to kow towing to the Saudi king.

That might have something to do with the eight business arrangements he had procured during his campaign, his simply having said what he knew would get a fired up base to vote for him without them knowing he as negotiating those arrangements, or it could be the typical bully behavior that makes a bully perform loud and strong about a victim ot to one from a distance, but then quiet and scared when in the victim’s presence.

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Yet, now when in Saudi Arabia, Trump found and declared that Muslims are our friends, and avoided using that very same required phrase when he was among Muslim.

He condemned Michelle Obama for not wearing a head covering and President Obama for seemingly bowing to the Saudi King when receiving the official bling. But then Melania shows up in a cowelless Batman outfit with her hair flowing freely in the desert breezes, and Trump practically genuflects to the Saudi king.

Trump condemned Hillary for accepting $25 Million from Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Foundation, even while she was not connected to the White House because it appeared, for his use in the campaign anyway, that she had no problem with how that country tortured and killed Gay men, and mistreated and demeaned women. But his daughter, his chief adviser, accepts $100 million for her program while she is involved in the White House and receives it while sitting in a meeting with Saudi royalty with her head uncovered.

Attempting to get the GLBT vote, Trump had announced in his nomination acceptance speech that he would protect GLBT people from the harm of foreign ideologies, yet he was making those earlier business arrangements and that arms deal even as Saudi Arabia, a member of the UN Human Rights Committee objected to that body’s condemnation of the torture of Gay people because it would force Saudi Arabia to stop torturing the Gays.

Even though it has been established that the terrorists who flew jets into the World Trade Center on 9/11 were Saudi national and that Saudi Arabia is a major source of funding for Al Qaeda, Trump signs off on an arms deal worth a few Billion dollars, canceling Obama’s hold on that deal placed on it because Saudi Arabia gave no assurances they would not use those weapons against Yemen.

So here is a man who talks tough about Saudi Arabia, a country he condemned for torturing Gays, a country responsible for the deaths of the people in the World Trade Center, a country that enables terrorism, and a country that is the birthplace of those evil Muslims, and he has no problem taking their money for his daughter’s supposed pro-woman program, making a $100 billion arms deal, and now praising them as our friend.

They saw him coming.

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