while setting trap…..



They thought it had worked so well for Trump that members of the senate committee holding hearings about the Russian connection and Michael Kelly decided they would use the strategy on Sally Yates during the hearings .

During the campaign Trump attempted, and succeeded with his base, in vilifying Hillary Clinton as being very close to Wall Street while using Ted Cruz’s wife as proof that he would not be good for the common man because she had ties to Goldman Sachs, so that when he started appointing people from Wall Street and Goldman Sachs to his administration, people would still be mad at Hillary and Cruz’s wife so they wouldn’t notice.

Trump kept repeating that the election was rigged so that if he lost, he could blame it on the rigging. This way he could save face and he would win the devotion of his supporters that he thrives on. When he won, he has not only been repeating that he won, but has begun handing out colored maps to prove it.

The rigging apparently did not happen, so his preemptive claims can be ignored. Now the election was fair and square and on the up and up.

He constantly refers to fake news so that any story that does not go along with him can be discounted by his base.

And while the rumors began that Michael Flynn may have betrayed the American trust by being a foreign agent, Trump bad mouthed the intelligence community so whatever they said would be dismissed.

When Sally Yates was to testify, Trump attempted to discredit her, basically attempting to intimidate her while influencing the senate and public opinion even before she appeared.

Even if she were to speak with the voice of God, #45 was hoping to make the listeners nonbelievers.

The morning of the hearing Trump tweeted,

“Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council.”

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The problem is, that if you are going to do that and to do so you have to set a trap, make sure the prey is not brighter than you are.

Ted Cruz tried by playing what he thought would be a crushing strategy, but it did not go all that well.

The hearings are on Mike Flynn, but Cruz decided that he would destroy former acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s credibility and brought up her objection to Donald Trump’s travel ban executive order in order to do show she was a poor witness ho did not respect the law.

Or so he thought.

He quoted statute 8 U.S.C. 1182 to show her disregard for law.

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any alien or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interest of the United States, he may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem appropriate”.

And she responded,

“I would, and I am familiar with that, and I’m also familiar with an additional provision of the INA that says ‘no person shall receive preference or be discriminated against in issuance of a visa because of race, nationality or place of birth.’ That, I believe, was promulgated after the statute that you just quoted. And that’s been part of the discussion with the courts with respect to the INA is whether this more specific statute trumps the first one that you just described. But my concern was not an INA concern here. It rather was a Constitutional concern, whether or not the executive order here violated the Constitution specifically with the establishment clause and equal protection and due process.”

He apparently assumed she would deal only with the part he quoted and would no deal with the parts he omitted, but she referenced the whole thing.

Ted as not pleased.

He did not return to the hearing after the break that followed that exchange.

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