It was so close they could taste it.
The American Taliban was about to be handed the power they wanted to force all citizens of the United States to comply with their religious beliefs. They have been failing when it came to conversion by preaching the Gospel, and after turning people off to their version of Christianity by abandoning the preachings of Jesus in His words and Deeds, and siding with those who oppose him/
The beatitudes lost out to the Pharisees.
The laws of their organized religion usurped the position of its spirit, and by having civil laws based on their interpretation of Christianity, they could control people’s lives, something that is of extreme importance to them.
When he was to sign his religious freedom executive order, Donald Trump was expected to hand them two things.
First, they would be allowed to politicize the pulpit and turn religious services into political events where presiding clergy could endorse candidates and condemn others and could tell their flocks who it was that God wanted them to elect, and threaten their flocks the eternal punishment awaiting them if they turned their backs on God’s will.
Of all the candidates that claimed God had told them to run, pastors could decide who of them is telling the truth
Second they were to be given cart blanch to choose those they would be allowed discriminate against.
Pizza shops would not have to cater Gay weddings, hair dressers would not have to open their salons to same sex couples, bakers were to going to have to bake the cake that opened the gates of hell, and clergy would not have to perform weddings to which they objected. Apparently they just want that power in theory because people getting married usually check out the people who provide services connected to the wedding from cakes, hair-dos, catering, churches etc, so only a moron would just go to someone and demand services anyway, and that would have gone beyond same sex weddings, and could potentially include refusing services to divorcees, people of color, people from other religions, and women.
It could hve also gone beyond weddings to vital services like medical care.
But Trump has let them down for now.
The visual around the signing of his executive order may have given him the photo op he so craves, but the substance of the executive order was not what was expected, and lacked any substance.
President Donald Trump signed his “religious freedom” executive order as part of a National Day of Prayer celebration.
A draft had been leaked in February, and that is what had the religious people all happy. It had singled out specific anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion beliefs for protection.
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The actual signed version omitted the sweeping license to discriminate conservatives were hoping for, but did allow them to be created in the near future as the Department of Justice is to issue more detailed guidance on protecting “religious liberty”.
In the meantime, social conservatives are issuing mixed reactions to the order. Some are trying to make nice with the Trump administration while others decry it for not doing enough.
Tony Perkins, president the Family Research Council (FRC), an anti-LGBTQ hate group, called the executive order a “a clear reflection of his campaign promise to protect the religious freedoms of Americans” that was a significant first step in beginning the process of ending the way organizations and individuals have been punished for living according to their faith, which is a roundabout way of saying they have been prevented from discriminating against their fellow citizens.
Ryan T. Anderson of the Heritage Foundation complained.
“Twice now, [Trump] has failed to stand up for commonsense policy on religious liberty when liberal opponents lashed out against it.”
Compared to the original anti-GLBTQ draft that was leaked back in February What Trump signed as weak.
It didn’t give the anticipated unfettered “freedom” to politicize from the pulpit, but instead told the IRS to tread lightly when churches did that, something that in that past could have resulted in a loss of tax exempt status.
The thing is that does not change much as loss of tax exemption has been an extremely rare event. Trump basically told the IRS to continue as it has been doing, but he took the occasion to make it appear he has instituted something new.
The National review called the executive order “worse than useless.”
“What will the administration do to protect religious freedom when the entire cultural Left mobilizes against it? We still don’t know.”
Although Conservatives might be disappointed Trump didn’t make it easier for them to discriminate, GLBT groups and individuals believe that because the language is so broad and open, and because the Department Of Justice has been given the job of applying the vague language, discrimination against GLBT people, women, religious minorities, and others has free rein and tacit permission. even if it leaves it for others in the administration to figure out while Trump hops to be seen as the hero of religion. A Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions does not offer much hope that religion based discrimination will be investigate or adjudicated. It will just be allowed.
Fox News’ Todd Starnes assured religious conservative that there is still hope
“Do not be alarmed! I spoke to a conservative leader late last night instrumental in crafting the order. He tells me this is just the first step in a multi-step process, and he tells me President Trump will protect religious freedom for all Americans. Now this president has demonstrated he is a friend to people of faith, and at the end of the day, I have no doubt he will honor his word. Just have faith.”
Yep, the president may still do what is needed to let the Christians throw the Gays to the lions.