

Based solely on the word of a man never known to care for anyone beyond himself saying he was for the little guy, and being so pleased that he said what was on his mind, many of those who voted for Trump are beginning to see that he really isn’t for the little guy, and he may have never really said what was on his mind.

During the campaign, they refused to look at facts being presented, claiming that those presenting them were anti-American somehow as if facts were an attack on the country.

But now as they see the facts, many are lamenting their choice and turning to those they had ignored for sympathy for the loss of what they had and empathy for the avoidable position they put themselves in.

They cheered when he said he would drain the swamp only to see Trump introduce into it people who belonged to the very organizations he got them to cheer against during rallies.

They cheered against Wall Street and Goldman Sachs, and people from there are now members of the administration.

Throughout the campaign, they were cautioned to look beyond what was being said to reinforce their beliefs, whether correct or not, and look at the facts. But they insisted that Donald Trump said what he thought and meant what he said.

They had nothing to base that on because, as far as it was related to them, he had never said anything that such a belief could be based on. Basically they did nothing more than assume he meant what he said when they had never seen him do it before.

He was going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it; bring back jobs; and punish those with businesses overseas. He was going to have the best healthcare that would cover everyone for cheaper costs; he was going to keep out Muslims; protect Medicaid, Medicare, and Social security; and he was going to make America great again.

But nothing in his past in any way gave any indication that he could do that, or even that he would.

On the other hand he said he would release his taxes; then didn’t.

He said he would raise money for veterans, but actually didn’t.

He was going to have Mexico pay for the Wall, but can’t get them to.

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He would never leave the White House because he has so much work to do. He spends weekends in Florida paid for by his supporters and the rest of us.

He would bring back coal mining jobs, but omitted to mention the mining will be done by machine and the miners were going to lose their retirement and medical benefits.

They believed him because all Hillary offered was their getting retrained for an industry in renewable energy that was cleaner for them, and would keep them employed, an industry that was just coming to life and not dying.

He condemned Obama for playing golf, but plays every weekend, if not in Florida, at his golf resort near D.C.

He would cut out government waste, but has no problem with the workers he said he would help paying to keep Melania secure in New York City.

We are going to have to pay for the wall with the new assurance that Mexico will reimburse us for the cost by having all their products taxed. Remember that when you feel generous and buy tequila shots for your friends at the bar. Basically Mexico will pass any cost on to us, and, “Bob’s your Uncle”, we pay for the wall. And, yes, I actually wrote “Bob’s your uncle”.

The new replacement for the Affordable Care Act would have reduced Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and would have raised costs for the elderly and those who need it the most.

His own daughter moved her factory from China, but not to America, but to Ethiopia.

People found out that not only “those Muslims” and “the Mexicans”, but they themselves who are here legally cannot travel freely, and they, their relatives, and friends are getting deported because they had strongly backed a man they believed was talking about everyone else, but them.

Well as someone who knew he could lose some of the rights he should have had as an American citizen, but had to fight for, and knowing many people in that same position, I just cannot feel sorry for them or empathize or sympathize especially because of the name they called me and the lies they spread to support the man they now question when they appear and the media and explain their shock at what is happening and how hurt they are by their choice that was based on rejecting facts.

No. I cannot cry with them

I will, however, take the time to tell them that at the mid-terms they need to listen to facts and question when everything said by a candidate matches everything they believe or want to believe.

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