Event reminder


 The rally at the 226 Ash Street Jail in New Bedford will be held this coming Thursday, January 19th, commencing at 4:30 p.m.

Its purpose is an important one.

Sheriff Hodgson of Bristol County in Massachusetts wants to use taxpayer money to transport prisoners to the Southern border to help build Trump’s wall, He obviously feels that inmates in the New Bedford jail and the bigger county jail in Dartmouth are his private army of slaves that he can use to do his political bidding and get him headlines.

Apparently he didn’t notice that Massachusetts did not vote in support of Mr. Trump’s plans, especially the one about the wall, and that New Bedford where the Abolitionist Movement began is not a fan of involuntary servitude.

Hodgson has a history of denying inmates in his facilities human rights when you consider he has deprive them of needed medications and adequate food, and that he has had them work in chain gangs that deprived free workers of jobs for which they would have been paid.

His cruel and unusual punishment is directed at mainly people of color who are largely in need of drug treatment, not incarceration, or people who are not violent criminals for the most part.

The Sheriff likes to cast himself as the brave law and order guy holding the line against the criminal element.

He has consistently maintained an anti-immigrant line, which is why he concocted this public relations scheme.

Our most recent past governor, Deval Patrick, refused to take part in the Secure Communities program which was supposed to target immigrants who committed serious crimes for deportation, but had deported both documented and undocumented people who were convicted of minor offenses or, in some cases, none at all, but Sheriff Hodgson has been dying to jump in to help ICE capture undocumented people.
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The present governor, Charlie Baker, needs to continue to reject this program.

Finally, even though his charging inmates $5.00 a day was rejected by the courts with his defense of it costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars, the Sheriff is planning on devising a way to reinstate that idea.

This scheme is cruel to low income families who don’t have the money to pay this fee.

Sheriff Hodgson has to hear from many people in Bristol County and around the state, that his actions will not be tolerated.

If you can make, I hope you can be there.


Relive how we got here



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