“We was robbed!”


Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had died, and it was President Obama’s job to nominate his replacement.

But the GOP decided that they did not want him to make a nomination because it would likely be someone either liberal or reasonable, and they announced they wouldn’t even talk with anyone he nominated.

They claimed a president nominating a Supreme Justice in the last year of his tenure was just not done.

But in reality, in the past it was.

When you have a political party that obstructs anything a president attempts to do for the American people so that he fails, or at least the claim could be made that he failed in spite of the facts, you make up rules when convenient and rewrite history to back that up.

The GOP was hoping one of theirs would be elected president, and with constantly listing the fake crimes of the other party’s nominee, the gerrymandering that had been done, and restrictive voting requirements in Republican run states, they pretty much were able to get what they planned.

President-elect Donald Trump will be able to nominate someone to the Supreme Court after his inauguration next month, something President Obama should have been able to do. He was, after all, elected twice by the American people for two four year terms not a four year term followed by a three year one, or one that could be truncated at the will of the Republicans.

They stole from the American people.

Nine Months ago, while still being president, Obama had nominated Merrick Garland for the empty post, but Mitch McConnell, the majority leader in the senate who said his party’s top priority was to ensure that Obama would be a one term president, and then amended that to making sure he was a complete failure when reelected, and Charles Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee refused to hold any hearings.
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They declared the senate would simply just not do its job.

They claimed the people should have a voice in the seating of a justice, conveniently ignoring they had already spoken in two elections. We wanted President Obama to do his job, but the Republicans wanted to prevent that in our name.

This was something new from the crowd who for whatever reason just did not want our first Black president to succeed.

This introduced a new monkey wrench into the machinery of government since with the Republicans justifying an election-year blockade, Democrats or any opposition party could do the same in the future.

What was worse, the Republicans, assuming that Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president, began stating that they would never confirm anyone Hillary nominated while she was president. That could have meant that under certain circumstance the Supreme Court would have had to consist of six Justices instead of nine without a tie breaker.

This was an assault by the legislative branch on the judicial branch to foil the executive branch.

It was that brat taking the ball home after not having been successful in having the rules of the game constantly change during the playing of it so he could win.

The American people have been robbed so that one political party can control the decisions of the court no matter how injurious they may be so they can stick out their tongues and claim some sort of victory.

The future will not be kind to this move if the United States returns to what it was and should have continued to be.

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