Talk to Nana


If you went to school in the fifties you have the memory, I’m sure, of those duck and cover drills.

For those who came after them, let me explain.

Apparently to keep us from panicking if it actually were to happen and the United States were attacked by those Godless Communists with an atomic boom, hopefully, of course, just after we had finished the “under God” part of the Pledge of Allegiance, we would practice getting under our desks and below the bottom of the windows if the bomb fell when we were in class, or, in the event we were outside, behind any object even if that meant lying in the gutter hoping no part of our anatomy was higher than the curb.

I assume that the preference was to have us die quietly or at least behaving during the blast so the adults’ last moments on earth would be relatively peaceful. No one wants to be in a classroom filled with kids running around screaming before vaporizing.

We knew that first there would be a flash of light that could blind us, then an extreme heat wave that would melt us, and these could not harm us as we would be below them as they swooped by overhead. Then all would be well enough to get back up and do whatever it was that we were supposed to have been doing without having ever been told that there was more that would happen the moment we took out next breath.

What they never explained was that the room would be filled with radioactivity.

It was called “Duck and Cover”.

There was even a 16mm movie we watched in class, this was in the days before VCRs or DVD players, where a turtle jumped into his shell and a little boy jumped off his bike and got down in the gutter when the bomb alarm went off, after which they would calmly get back up, and all was well.

Dying slowly of the effects of radiation exposure was something the movie skipped over.

In the basement of the schools and in the basements of other buildings around town designated as shelter areas there were a number of sealed barrels that contained survival supplies like blankets and food stored in large army green barrels with the radioactive symbol on them.

This Duck and Cover drill was as common as fire drills, and we took them just as seriously.

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They decided that the number of bombs was a little ridiculous as they were so devastating, and they really did not need a lot of them, and what was called “The Arms Race”, gave way to agreements to limit the number of nuclear weapons anyone had, and that countries that didn’t have them shouldn’t get them.

People began to relax a little, and the underground bomb shelters that were supposed to keep people safe until the danger passed, a rather unrealistic expectation considering how long the radioactive fallout from all the bombs would be around, eventually became storage places for the average person and wine cellars for those a little better off.

Things have remained calmer under the controlled possession and manufacture of atomic bombs, so many people alive today have no real knowledge of how bad things could be especially as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened some 70 years ago.

Since tough talk needs tough action to give it validity, Donald Trump, who never had it rough or saw war, has declared that in order to be tough, the United States had to go back to the days of lots of bombs, claiming that the more we had, the more scared others would be of us.

America, after all, certainly can’t be a nice country that other nations would like if we can be the world’s most feared and  hated badass.

He seems to be ignoring that if you bring weapons to a fight, or if the opposition thinks you might since you brag about having them, the other side will also bring weapons, and may very well bring a few that are better.

We could scare other countries into developing their own nuclear weapons that they had been seeing no need for as the countries that had them had been acting irresponsibly.

Such middle of the night or early in the morning tweets like,

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes”,

may give other countries the impression they might need to gear up as it appears the only country that needs to come to its senses is us.

So, kids, it’s time to talk with Nana.

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