Rudi is heart broken

imag05951 How’s this for a bit of a cautionary tale.

First there was Chris Christie.

He said some really nasty things about Donald trump and Trump about him during the Republican primary debates, but then after he dropped out of the running, Christie sold his soul and threw his self- respect into the mud when he not only endorsed the man who had been so nasty toward him, but then became his defender allowing Trump to say the most outrageous things while he faced the public attempting to explain them or have them go away.

He was promised the position as the head of the transition team until Trump won the Electoral College, and that position was given to Mike Pence.

For all his loyalty, Christie was shown the door.

From the moment he gave that almost hysterical speech at the Republican convention, Rudi Giuliani became the face of Donald Trump on all the news shows and basically had done what Christie’s job had been. He was the explainer in chief who did his best to explain the almost unexplainable- Trump’s off the cuff statements and tweets.

Giuliani is the one who said that all of Trump’s failures show he is a genius; that “A lot of the people who are poor take advantage of loopholes, and pay no taxes”; and “Don’t you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman.”

It was loyalty that certainly would be rewarded. Playing the patsy paid off for Ben Carson after all.

For the first month of the transition process Giuliani was on the short list for some position, more specifically that of Secretary of State, and he continued to play his lap dog role.

But then it was announced on December 9 that that position would go to someone else, and it was claimed that on November 29 Giuliani had taken himself off the list of possibles anyway even though that information came out after the fact and seems to contradict transition team’s suggestion that Giuliani was still being considered for secretary of state in early December.
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“I thought there were enough choices that were good for him, (and) I wasn’t absolutely necessary,” Giuliani said on “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Back on October 3, I had suggested in a blog that in light of the embarrassing position Rudi had been reduced to playing for Trump “A principled man would just walk away with his dignity intact. Perhaps after this tap dance Rudy will do just that”.

Now he may be attempting to do just that, but when you are used, have had a position dangled in front of you as a prize, and then are unceremoniously dumped, claiming you don’t want a position anyway just comes across as counting your losses and trying to save face.

“Yeah, I know I lost the game, but I really didn’t want to win anyway.”


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