He descended his golden escalator to announce he was going to run for president and before speaking about the issues he would address, and avoiding doing that for most of his campaign, he immediately created an us vs them situation by blurring the line between Hispanic immigrants and those who had come here illegally and planting the seed of hatred with references to rapists, murderers, and thieves. He might have intended to clarify things later, but when a person allows an idea to fester it becomes more difficult to do that unless he was less cloudy and more direct, which he has yet to be.
He then turned his attention to Muslims over time, and, again, blurred the lines between those who were bad and all Muslims in general.
He even warned that while Mexicans might sell you or your kids drugs, rob you or your family members, and might be a threat to the women in your life, Muslims were just going to kill you, and destroy America along the way.
So all Mexicans were suspect, as were all Muslims, and to like any in either group made you unpatriotic, while to harass any might show how truly American you were.
He created scapegoats and targets, easy targets, for people’s anger.
He had strong things to say about Black people who were protesting those being killed by bad cops, and, again, made no distinctions within the Black Community. If you protested cops, regardless of the reason, then you obviously hated cops, and by extension, somehow, America.
He also claimed that he had no idea who David Duke was or who White supremacists were, in spite of his father having been a member of the KKK.
He declared he would protect Gay Americans from the dangers of foreign ideologies while neglecting the dangers from domestic ones, as he chose Mike Pence as his running mate, the most virulently anti-gay choice he could have made. Pandering for the Evangelical vote he also announced he would nominate justices to the Supreme Court who would overturn the ruling on marriage equality.
He called for violence during his rallies, and his supporters were only too willing to commit it against the Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims he pointed out, and took that attitude out into the street attacking Hispanic, Muslims, Blacks, and Gay people.
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People did not vote for something, they voted against people.
And as frosting on the cake, Trump appointed a racist of record and an anti-semite to the highest position in his administration.
So he divided the people so that he could win, and now, acting surprised at the division, he says he needs to fix it.
In reality, he will in all probability continue to use it to his advantage.
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