In 2009, as President elect Obama was taking the oath of office and becoming president, members of the Republican caucus in Congress met to lay plans to have him come across as an ineffective president-a failure.
And so, they obstructed anything he put forward, even if it was their idea to begin with.
One prime example is the affordable Care Act that was designed on the health plan put into effect by Mitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts, and that had been suggested in 1989 by the conservative Heritage Foundation.
They objected to the single payer provision, as contained in the heritage Foundation plan, and declared they would not pass the ACA with that in it, but then when that provision was removed, they voted against it because the single payer provision was not contained in it.
They obstructed laws that would have helped veterans and would have created jobs. The GOP Congress did nothing to help the American people.
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And their inaction, except to obstruct, was the reason people began to say that Washington was broken.
People wanted outsiders to come in and fix things.
And to get rid of those who had done nothing for the American people, the people who had broken Washington, voters put all those people back in office.
To further drain the swamp, those they elected to do it have turned to those who built it, Giuliani, Gingrich, Chris Christie, and Sarah Palin. They even threw a Cheney into the mix.
The whole thing would be a bowl of laughable irony, if the rest of us did not have to suffer because of it.