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Sexual assault, charity fraud, calls for nuclear proliferation. calls for national stop and frisk, violating trade embargo with Cuba, sued over Trump University fraud, bribing District Attorney, not paying taxes for 20 years, employing campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia, calling for ban of an entire religion from entering U.S., lying about support for Iraq War over and over during debate, in court for rape of a minor, unaware of Russia’s Crimea occupation, unaware of situation in Syria, penalized for racist housing discrimination, filing for bankruptcy 6 times, showing scant knowledge of world politics, slamming people for being POWs, calling out a judge because of parents’ heritage, deleting emails involved in casino scandal, committing insurance fraud after Florida hurricane, dozens of assault victims and witnesses coming forward with allegations of abuse, attacking former Miss America for being overweight, tweeting about non-existent sex tapes at 3am, calling for U.S. citizens to be sent to Gitmo, calling for more extreme forms of torture to be used, asking why we can’t use our nukes if we have them, calling for women and children related to suspected terrorists to be bombed, saying women should be punished for having abortions, making fun of disabled people, calling for end to freedom of the press, calling global warming a Chinese hoax, praising Putin’s strong leadership, openly admitting to not paying his employees, calling Obama an illegitimate non-citizen multiple times, using campaign donations to enrich his own businesses, saying laziness is an inherent trait in black people.