Darrell Issa has a friend problem


Yet another example of a principled Republican.

When the Tea Party branch of the GOP got power in both houses of Congress and he became chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Darrell Issa announced that he was going to have one investigation after another even before he had anything to investigate. He had said in 2010 that he wanted the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to hold investigative hearings “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks.” This, of course, meant that he would have to find things that would allow him to keep his promise, and the fishing expeditions began.

His biggest, most favorite, and seemingly never ending investigation was Benghazi, and in spite of each investigation coming up empty, he would simply start another one hoping for a different result instead of accepting that the results were consistent.

He spent, read that wasted, millions of dollars on these wild goose chases, and was even found selectively releasing information that was to have supported his claim that the White House had failed to prevent the 2012 attack on the embassy in Libya and the deaths that resulted, while suppressing anything that went against that claim.

Issa is running for reelection in California, and fears, as other GOP politicians seem to bear out, that like many down ballot office seekers in the GOP, he may be hurt by Trump.

So, he needs a new ally, someone favorable he can attach himself to, and right now, with his biggest approval rating since reelection, that would be President Obama, the man he attacked for his whole time as the Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

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Issa  sent out a campaign mailer bragging about his cooperation with the White House and even added a photo of Obama in the Oval Office, but according to President Obama Issa’s “primary contribution to the U.S. Congress has been to obstruct and to waste taxpayer dollars on trumped up investigations that have led nowhere.”

“This is now a guy who because Trump’s poll numbers are bad has sent of brochures with my picture on them touting his cooperation on issues with me. That is the definition of chutzpah. Here’s a guy who called my administration perhaps the most corrupt in history,  despite the fact that actually we have not had a major scandal in my administration,”

 “That starts in House of Representatives. The things you’re hearing Trump say, they’re said on floor of the House all the time. The Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives are repeatedly promoting crazy conspiracy theories and demonizing opponents.”

Iss attempted to play the role of the rejected and aggrieved friend saying,

 “I’m disappointed but not surprised that the president, in a political speech, continues to deny accountability for the serious scandals that happened under his watch where Americans died overseas and veterans have died here at home. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks I’ve done too much to hold Washington accountable. I’ve worked with the administration on good legislation where it was possible, and called out wrongdoing wherever I saw it, and will continue to do so.”

He was called on his attempted deceit being as he is, in the words of the President, “Trump before Trump”.

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