Feeding the minions


After claiming to be the person who respects women more than anyone else and then freely referring to Hillary Clinton as a “Nasty Woman” because she said something with which he disagreed, and then claiming to love all people, but throwing out a subliminal message by referring to bad people as “Bad Hombres”, the Trumpster threw out these tidbits of falsehood for his minions to gobble up unquestioned and eat up during the final presidential debate.

Some of the most obvious were:

Trump said thousands of Syrians are coming to the United States, and that Obama, who is not running, has let in “thousands and thousands of people. They have no idea where they come from, and you see, we are going to stop radical Islamic terrorism in this country.”

But the reality is that applicants to the U.S. refugee admissions program are already subjected to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States, a process that takes 2 years.

Also, 1300 is not “thousands and thousands”.

He claims that he is endorsed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and that the agencies support building a border wall. ICE and the CBP are barred from making political endorsements because of the Hatch Act, which prohibits them in engaging in partisan political activity, including the endorsement of any candidate for office. An ICE representative has stated, “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not and will not endorse any candidate for office.”

Trump said Clinton’s economic plan is going to raise taxes, possibly doubling rates.

“Well, first of all, before I start on my plan, her plan is going to raise taxes and even double your taxes. Her tax plan is a disaster. And she can say all she wants about college tuition — and I’m a big proponent, we’re going to do a lot of things for college tuition — but the rest of the public’s going be paying for it. We’ll have a massive, massive tax increase under Hillary Clinton’s plan.”

But Hillary Clinton has proposed raising taxes on high earners, and this won’t double taxes on any Americans, but her changes to the tax code would mostly burden high-income taxpayers.

He claimed that health care premiums will rise next year by more than 100 percent.

“But ‘Obamacare’ has to go. It’s — the premiums are going up 60, 70, 80 percent. Next year they’re going to go up over 100 percent.”

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A big whopper that sounds scary enough for the people in his basket to believe was that Hillary’s State Department lost $6 billion. This is based on a 2014 alert issued by the State Department’s inspector general that said $6 billion in Iraq contracts were incomplete or could not be located. Rather than money being lost the alert said that there were contracts with a total value of more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located, and that the missing paperwork dates between October 2004 to October 2011, do, most were issued before Clinton took charge of the State Department.

To be even more scary, Trump said that ISIS is in 32 countries. However, the House Homeland Security Committee recently stated  “ISIS, its affiliates and supporting groups have operated in approximately two dozen countries or territories, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Nigeria, the Palestinian territories (Gaza), Pakistan, Philippines, Russia (North Caucus region), Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.”

Harping on a traditional Republican misrepresentation of reality, Trump claimed Mosul fell to ISIS because of a Clinton troop withdrawal agreement.

“Let me tell you, Mosul is so sad. We had Mosul. But when she left, when she took everybody out, we lost Mosul. Now we’re fighting again to get Mosul.”

But the often, conveniently ignored 2008 Status of Forces Agreement set a timetable for all American troops to leave Iraq by the end of 2011, an had been negotiated by the administration of George W. Bush. Although President Barack Obama and then Secretary of State Clinton favored keeping some American troops in Iraq beyond that date, Iraq was not willing to provide immunity guarantees for U.S. troops, so, for the safety of the troops Trump claims he supports more than anyone else does, Obama ordered that the withdrawal continue as scheduled.

Ignoring the Constitution he defends, at least the Second Amendment, Trump claimed Clinton’s private email server made her “guilty of a very, very serious crime.” But, she has not only not been found guilty, but she wasn’t even prosecuted, and we have that innocent until proven guilty thing. She may have been extremely careless, but there was no evidence of a crime.

When it came to the many women who have alleged they were kissed or groped by Mr. Trump without their consent, Mr. Trump said the stories were largely debunked, in spite of that debunking being based only on his denying it and his campaign staff claiming that the accusations were fabricated by the news media or orchestrated by the Clinton campaign.

That was no legitimate debunking.

Then in total stupidity he went after and lied about the Notorious RBG claiming that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was forced to apologize for negative comments about him. The truth is that after saying in interviews when asked how things would be if Trump won, “I can’t imagine what the country would be”, she issued a statement saying that her comments had been ill-advised without any force from anyone.

But his supporters will accept it because he said it.


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