through my jaundiced eye


I am very familiar with the practice, having been subjected to it for a number of years, where, when one excuse for a disciplinary action is offered but then proven to have no basis, another is then put forward.

If not checked, the chain continues until someone accepts the last excuse offered, thereby making it the last excuse offered.

As a matter of fact, I have a large leather courier bag filled with memos that illustrate this practice very well in my pantry, and even have audio recordings of meetings where in the middle of them, when the supposed reason for a disciplinary action was shown to have been false, my supervisor immediately came up with a new and unrelated “justification” preceding it with a “Yeah, but…” and a long pause before she cast her fishing line.

When all was said and done, and things led to a case in District Court in front of a judge, one of my supervisors testified under oath that at a certain point in my employment, she had decided to put a case together for my dismissal, and so, looked only for negatives while actively ignoring anything that did not support her predetermined plan, and this constantly switching of “reasons” for disciplinary actions was necessary to build a pattern of negative behaviors that would have been a candle to the sun if she had also noted the positive behaviors.

At one point in this whole process, I was accused of something that had been shown to be impossible and, therefore, an invalid claim, and that the requirements were changed every time I was found in compliance, yet later my having been accused became the supposed evidence of my pattern of behavior. Basically, I was guilty of having been falsely accused of something which did not provably happen, but having been accused it somehow became my action.

In front of the school board this charade had been successful, but in District Court, where the judge was not friends with my accusers as members of the Board had been, the game was seen for what it was and the case fell apart.

That is why I look with one huge jaundiced eye at what happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this past weekend.

First, a man was shot who had had his hands up, while a police helicopter pilot and husband of the police officer on the ground who shot radioed that the man looked big and threatening, when in reality be was just a large Black man.

Terence Crutcher’s car had stalled in the middle of the street, and for some reason four police officers and a police helicopter responded. The police officers had their guns drawn.

Anyone who has a car die on them, I did once or twice, is glad to see a police officer pull up, and, in some places I lived, use the big rubber bumper at the front of the patrol car to push the car to the side of the road where AAA or some local garage could be safely called.

However, obviously with guns drawn when exiting the patrol cars, the driver could easily assume a simple push might not be automatic. The big scary Black man got out of his car, raised his hands, and walked the distance between his car and the patrol car.

Within seconds, and later claiming he had reached through what was a closed window to retrieve what could have been a gun, Officer Betty Shelby shot him.
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I know some very good police officers, active and retire, who make up the majority of police officers, the good police officers who do protect and serve, and I can only imagine the groan that came from them as they saw the video and knew people would now be angry with all of them.

As a teacher, I, and others cringed whenever some moron abused his or her position of authority over students, and abused them, knowing full well that until things calmed down, we would be treated like we were all that person.

Video footage was released and it showed Terence clearly cooperating with the officers.

Why not just shoot him in the leg if they felt treatened as he walked back to his car with his hands up?

Hours later, after the video was seen by thousands, a new detail emerged that a vial of PCP was found in the car.

Even if Mr. Crutcher was, indeed, high and could have been a threat, a blown away knee-cap could gave slowed him down some.

Grazing the New York City bomber on the same weekend is proof that that was a possible approach.

Sadly, a man who only looked big and mean gets killed, while someone who planted bombs around New York City lives to explain himself, if he has an explanation to offer.

Crutcher didn’t get that opportunity.

And as far as Crutcher being on PCP, we will be asked to accept that the police officer assessed his PCP behavior, found it merited death, and many people will not accept that no matter how true.

Had that been the case, why did Officer Betty Shelby not say that initially, but rather go with what is apparently, now, a false rationale that we were expected to believe then, and this, hours after the car was at headquarters and out of public view.

I might be a little biased in my opinion of things, but experience is a good teacher.

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