Obvious to everyone but them.


As far as God, church, and religion go in his political aspirations, Donald Trump has declared,

“I don’t bring God into that picture — I don’t”.

And as far as church attendance, he claims he attends “always on Christmas, always on Easter, always when there’s a major occasion.”

And in spite of the bible usually speaking against it, Donald exhibits a lot of pride and hubris while exalting himself.

Michael Gerson, in a Washington Post piece, explained,

Evangelicals “are identifying with a man who has fed ethnic tension for political gain; who has proposed systemic religious discrimination; who has dramatically undermined the democratic values of civility and tolerance; who has advocated war crimes, including killing the families of terrorists; who holds a highly sexualized view of power as dominance, rather than seeing power as an instrument to advance moral ends.

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After years of claiming the high road and claiming they are the better people, they have sat down in the gutter, and that brings into question everything they have been saying when it comes to the morality, or lack of it, of everyone else.

Their claim might be that the only other choice is Hillary, someone they think is not trustworthy, but Trump had to first face his opponents in the primaries who were far more religious than he was.

It would seem that in spite of their claims of religiosity and their willingness to use it as a club against people they do not like, they could easily abandon it for a three time married divorcee who bragged about his womanizing and adultery, and who espoused his support of such things as abortion and Gay Rights, until he saw opposing them got more cheers.

Whatever credibility Evangelicals had remains only among themselves as the majority of those observing them see how quickly they threw away their religious principles to back a man who violates the Bible on a regular and loud basis.

From this time on, they may claim that their faith is all important and influences their lives, but that will be a hard sell now that we have seen how easily they turned their backs on it to make Trump their preferred candidate in the primaries and now for the presidency.

“Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him” (Prov. 29:20).

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