My latest pet peeve


Conservatives, specifically the Evangelical crowd, not only have a fixation with Gay people, very often being obsessed with what they think Gay people do with each other and love to talk about what they have dreamed up, but they also consistently look for ways to make sure we remain second class citizens, gladly accepting our tax dollars while finding ways to make sure they, the conservatives, not the Gays, benefit from the money collected.

As long as Gay people stayed in the shadows and did not object to the derogatory jokes and the mincing inexact imitations of how we were suppose to walk and talk, everything was just fine.

But when we decided that, NO, we were not going to be second class citizens in our own country and began demanding and working to insure that our Constitutional rights should not be dismissed, they just couldn’t handle that.

As a matter of fact, when Jerry Falwell recognized that if his Moral Majority was to attract people it would need a bogey-man, he announced at the first official meeting that Gay people would fit that bill quite nicely.

When the AIDS epidemic first hit and the first recognized cases were among Gay men , it was happily assumed that it was a Gay disease, and letting Gay people die was acceptable.

But when it was discovered that certain markers had been missed and the reality was that the virus was in, and had always been in the general population, the anti-Gay AIDS jokes slowed, and something was finally done. But not for the Gays, but for others.

God’s punishment of the Gays turned out not to be God’s punishment of the Gays.

As the Gay community made progress against discrimination and the conservatives began losing an acceptable target, the fear mongering intensified, and not only did religious leaders and politicians begin advocating for jail time and, yes, even death, Red states began passing so called “religious freedom” laws which were basically laws that skirted the Constitution and sanctioned discrimination based solely on the same excuse kids use to avoid school work, “it’s against my religion”.

Denying a cake for a Gay wedding was a defensible act, but in spite of the Biblical proscription against marriage after divorce, no Christian baker seemed all that bothered by making cakes for second, post divorce marriages, or marriages of those who had been cheating on their wives and husbands before the divorces. Cakes for Gay weddings are bad, while cakes celebrating adultery are just fine.
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And now that Gay marriage equality is the law of the land, there are conservative religious leaders and politicians who have pledged they will do whatever they can to have it done away with.

Then we got the Muslims.

Anything that can turn people against Muslims is grabbed at.

I have actually had conversations with people who are still anti-Gay and support any actions that can be taken to reduce our standing as citizens to second class, who are now telling me that I should be anti-Muslim because certain Muslim Countries kill Gay people.

I am basically being told to ignore the crappy treatment being promoted in this country by these very people so I can join in their hatred of some other group.

They are using the deaths of Gay people in those countries to promote their hatred, and telling me to look over there as they spit in my eye.

Here’s a suggestion.

Leave my rights alone and stop coming up with attempts to take them away. Stop hiding you bigotry against me behind your religion.

And when I can trust your behavior here, maybe then I will look where you are pointing.  Otherwise, you are asking me to side with you by treating me like I am as stupid as you need me to be.

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