Heard it at the coffee shop


As proof that the Democratic primaries were rigged against Sanders and in favor of Hillary, I was shown two pictures. One was a picture of a Bernie Sanders rally with thousands of people, while the other was of a Hillary Clinton Rally with, perhaps, a few hundred, and the person asked how, with that big a difference between rally attendance, the one with the smaller crowd could have possibly won.

When I pointed out that it was not the number of people who attend a rally, especially as it was plain in the Bernie rally picture that there were many parents with kids and people obviously too young to be registered voters, it was the number of people who showed up to the polls that counted, the response was that people who vote are those who have gone to rallies.

The person is weak on reality.

Somehow I got on two Bernie Revolution Facebook pages and one email list.

The majority of posts and emails have advocated that rather than vote for Hillary, those supporting the Bernie Revolution should vote either for Trump to rail against a rigged system, or vote for the Green Party.

First, if they are really for the Bernie Revolution, how could they possibly contemplate voting for someone who so openly opposes it?

Unless, of course, if what they claimed were needed changes were  actually things that they thought would instantly apply to them without realizing or being unwilling to accept that even Bernie as president would still have to deal with the House and Senate who must go along with what he proposed.

Bernie winning did not guarantee that everyone gets a trophy.

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We have seen for the last 7.5 years that, regardless what he could have done to help the American people, President Obama was obstructed by the opposing party merely on the principle of opposition as opposed the principle of helping the American people.

One prime example would be that those who yelled “Support the Troops” the loudest consistently voted down any legislation that actually would have supported them merely because President Obama had brought it up.

What’s necessary to get things done is to elect senators and congress members that will support the programs of the president, and in the upcoming election that would mean Democrats and independents who want to make changes, not obstruct them.

If the Democrats take back the senate who better than either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to take leadership roles so they could rally the troops and get things done if there is a Democrat in the White House instead of finding themselves having to fight bizarre legislation proposed by a bizarre president.

Otherwise, it would simply be the last 7.5 years, but in reverse. The players would have switched sides, but the end game would be the same.

Do the Bernie Revolutionaries understand that, or are they a one candidate and one time rebel?

But this idea to totally erase Bernie by having his supporters vote for his very opposite seems ludicrous to me, and very disloyal.

Oh, and stupid.

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