Marco Rubio has had a rough weekend.
First Chris Christie called him a robot who had no experience actually doing anything but who needs to repeat certain sound bite worthy statements and ending them with something patriotic.
Then he claimed that Hillary Clinton would kill babies at full term.
Now we have a little race profiling by his staff.
Among the people at a Rubio event on Sunday in Bedford, New Hampshire were three Black women. Two of them, Ugonma Ubani-Ebere and Taisha Henry, are graduate students in journalism at NYU. The third was Yvonne Latty, their professor.
They were part of a group of students who, along with some faculty members, were reporting on the primary for a class project, and hoped to film the event.
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In spite of having put their cameras away, another staffer approached them and told them not to shoot video.
According to the students’ professor,
“They were stared at and then they were approached again and it created this really tense atmosphere…another student in my class who is a white male had his camera on a tripod on a riser without a press pass. It was a really horrible experience. Really horrible. To be singled out that way while you are standing next to your white classmates. Repeatedly. They weren’t even doing anything.”
After another professor, who happens to be White, explained to a Rubio staffer that he believed the two students were being profiled, they were readmitted with press credentials.
The irony is that last August Rubio said he was “deeply” concerned about racial profiling of African-Americans.
In contrast, the three Black women had been at earlier rallies for Jeb Bush and John Kasich where candidates and staff were respectful and helped accommodate the students so they could be part of the process.