Trump said, “I Employ A Number Of People That Happen To Work In This Country. I Don’t Send It Overseas.”
He who wants to make America great again went on to say,
“We’re destroying our country. We’re destroying our economy. We’re outsourcing our jobs. We’re not making products any longer. If you look at products, they’re being made in China and many other countries. And it’s really very sad what’s gone on.”
This was, of course, before Donald Trump decided to run for president and appear as the champion of the American people, but it was within the last few years.
He has since been going after China for undervaluing its currency and taking American manufacturing jobs.
You see, jobs aren’t being sent there, they are being ripped from here.
Sounds so very pro-American, but some of the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, is manufactured in China while other parts of the line are made in Mexico and Bangladesh.
This as he urges Americans to buy fewer products from China because Chinese goods are shoddy.
In his best he-speaks-his-mind terms, we do not need Chinese products because they are “crap”.
“ I know China. I know many of the people in China. I know many of the big business people. And they’re laughing at us. They think we’re stupid and our representatives are so stupid, that they can’t even believe what they’re getting away with.
They take our money. They suck it out of us. We charge them virtually no tax, and they loan it back to us. And then they have our treasury bills. And they say, oh, gee, we have to be afraid of China because they have our treasury bills.
It’s ridiculous. And, you know, again, the problem with our country is, we don’t manufacture anything anymore, I mean, very little. China is doing all — I just bid furniture out on a major project I’m doing, and I have six bids. Every bit of furniture is being made from China.
The one from America is more expensive because of all the other problems that have been caused by us. So, you know, if we…They [Americans] actually make a much better product. I mean, the product is 100 percent better. The product, the stuff that`s been sent over from China is — it falls apart after a year-and-a-half. It`s crap.”
And as far as recent trade talks with China, Trump has also said that if he had been president, he would have met with Chinese President Hu Jintao in his office, and instead of a fancy state dinner, “I would have sent them to McDonald’s if we didn’t make a deal and said, ‘Go home.'”
He claims he didn’t send his clothing factories to China, but that the reason Trump ties, Trump cufflinks, and Trump teddy bears come with a “Made in China” label is “Because of the fact that China so manipulates their currency it makes it almost impossible for American companies to compete.”
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“When this country became great was the industrial revolution. We are now the opposite of the industrial revolution, and pretty soon we are going to fall off a cliff.”
As far as his line of clothing, his Trump Store in Trump Tower sells $80 Trump-branded cotton sweaters, $70 Trump-branded warm-up tops, and $45 belts made in China along with $70 shirts made in Korea and Thailand.
Neither of those last two countries is that mean, currency manipulating China.
Trump wear that was sold in Macy’s was manufactured overseas in China, with suits made in Mexico and Vietnam.
Again, neither of those last two countries is that mean, currency manipulating China.
There’s a lot of Chinese “crap” with his name on it.
He has told the Conservative Political Action Conference, “Our companies make a better product, that’s very important to know. We make a better product.”
Concerning American workers, Trump has said,
“it’s tragic what’s happened to them, what has happened to their jobs, what’s happened to the factories where they used to work and they’ve worked all their lives and they are closed up and those people and those companies have moved into other countries. So it’s a really tragic situation for this country in my opinion. It’s very sad time for a lot of people.
Everybody talks about free trade and it sounds so good. But it’s stupid trade for this country. You look what is happening. As an example, Japan, they have done very well with us. They sell their cars over here by the millions. How many Chevrolets do you see in Japan? How many Chevrolets do you see driving down the boulevards of Tokyo? I don’t think too many, if any.
And you look at the television sets out of South Korea. I like South Korea, but they have so out negotiated us. Thousands of television sets, thousands, I bought thousands last year. Everything from South Korea and other places, not from this country.
At some point, we have to make our own products. We have great people in this country. I have some factories currently that makes some incredible things, very complex things, weaponry. We can do it, but we’re not given a chance. We let these companies and these countries, from other countries just come in and take our jobs and make our products. It’s very sad. When you mention Christmas and presents and buying, how can we create jobs in this country? How can we have jobs in this country when our products are being made overseas? It’s a terrible thing.”
But remember when it comes to Trump, “I Employ A Number Of People That Happen To Work In This Country. I Don’t Send It Overseas.”
In New Hampshire, preparing for the Primary there he told a crowd, “We’re gonna bring businesses back. We’re gonna have businesses that used to be in New Hampshire, that are now in Mexico, come back to New Hampshire. You can tell them to go f**k themselves! Because they let you down, and they left!”
That would include him.