Two concerns about the bill proposed by Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern that would prohibit school personnel, including counselors, therapists, social workers, administrators, and teachers, from providing guidance or information about human sexuality to students without notifying the minor’s parents at least 24 hours in advance were that a student who might want advice because of molestation by a parent could not be referred to anyone to talk to by a teacher or school counselor until the parents were notified of such a referral, and that Gay kids who in Oklahoma face rejection by parents on religious grounds with political support and could end up on the street could not be given the name of someone they might feel better talking to a unless the parents were notified.
The latter would result in a school official outing a student to the parents before a student had been ready, and may not have been able to construct a supportive network before telling the parents.
Parental rejection has led to suicide among young GLBT youth, and Sally saw no problem with that.
She decided this week to pull her bill HB 3044, not because of the potential harm to GLBT kids, but because she claimed she “recently learned her bill could have unintended consequences that could affect the work of many pregnancy resource centers in the state that ‘volunteer their time, energy and resources in helping women and babies in crisis time in their lives”, according to eCapitol reports.
According to Oklahomans for Equality, a GLBT civil rights group that still has to deal with 25 other anti-GLBT bills proposed for this legislative session, “Rep Kern was defiant to the end claiming that the only reason to pull the bill was to protect pro-life activists not LGBT teenagers.”
If the bill had passed, according to Freedom Oklahoma , “a school counselor cannot even give a student struggling with suicidal thoughts – or at risk of self-harm – the phone number for the national suicide prevention hotline without informing their parents, even in cases where the parent may be the catalyst of the harm. It also forces counselors and social workers to violate the ethics of their profession by either breaching the confidence of a youth or being barred from offering support and resources.”
Troy Stevenson, executive director of Freedom Oklahoma, explained Sally’s bill was “exceptionally irresponsible for legislators to use school children as props in the politics of distraction on display in this legislative session,” and it would “literally put the lives of students at risk.”
Oklahoma’s state finances are in a shambles as tax cuts for corporations and the top 1% have reduced state revenue, and the state’s Republican leadership has decided one of the best ways to remedy this while giving more tax cuts to the privileged is to raise the sales tax so those already taxed have to pay more to close the budget hole.
Another way is to propose bills that attack citizens in the state in the name of protecting the majority and appear as heroes to them.
And, as religion is important to the people of Oklahoma, using religion as the excuse for the distractions from the budget debacle is the tactic Sally Kern and her fellow travelers favor.
There is an “enemy” from which the good people of the state must be protected, and Kern and friends will protect them.
Getting citizens to hate another group of citizens will keep them too busy to see the state’s reality.
Sally Kern claims she is 100% pro-life, but she, like so many others, is only pro-life when it comes to fetuses, because her proposing and then defending this bill along with her claims for finally withdrawing it show that the life of a post-natal child can be easily thrown away as she had no concern that her bill could be the cause of suicides.
“All lives matter” only applies to some.