Webster defines political correctness as conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities should be eliminated.
According to Frank Luntz, a Fox News contributor, white voters in South Carolina are sick and tired of people finding fault with them for “speaking the truth.”
He gathered a group of people together to find what issues bothered them the most, but, instead of the expected things like stagnant wages, student loan debt, college costs, or health care, the group focused on “white grievances”.
They began by complaining that the U.S. spends more on refugees and immigrants than veterans’ care; health care in America is “going straight down the toilet” ; and that ObamaCare unfairly causes loss of jobs.
But, the surprise came when one person said,
“What bothers me the most in this country is that you can’t even speak the truth any more or else you’ll be called a racist or a bigot or any other thing”,
and then the rest joined in.
One woman explained she as bothered “Because I have a right to my opinion without being labeled something. I mean, it’s ridiculous.”
Another lady with no awareness of the Freudian irony added,
“Anyone who says anything has to watch everything they say and you can’t label a spade a spade. Everyone is afraid to talk.”
The group objected to “political correctness” and pined for the days when they could say anything they wanted about people, no matter how ill informed, and could use terms that used to be okay when applied to people they really didn’t know, but just made assumptions about.
Their hero is Donald Trump who, like the drunk uncle at a family gathering, says whatever is on his mind regardless of maturity or the offense it gives others.
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In South Carolina, where the focus group came from, Trump had declared,
“I’m so tired of this politically correct crap.”
This is what bothers me about politicians. He (Marc Rubio) announces he’s gonna run and they go to Jeb, ‘what do you think of Marco Rubio?’ ‘He’s my dear, dear friend, he’s wonderful, he’s a wonderful person, I’m so happy that he’s running.’ Give me a break. That’s called politicians’ speak. Then they go to Marco, what do you think of Jeb Bush? ‘Ohh, he’s great, he’s brought me along.
It really does bother me when I see them, and I see Jeb, and maybe that’s what you want and maybe that’s the kind of people that are going to get elected, to be honest. Maybe they don’t want a straight-talker. Maybe they don’t.”
“But I am so tired of this politically correct crap.”
And his poll numbers went up.
Back before he decided to treat Megyn Kelly like Rosie O’Donnell, he told her in the first GOP debate,
“I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”
But as Washington Post columnist Steven Petrow explained,
“‘Political correctness’ has long been considered a pejorative, an accusation hurled at those of us who choose our words carefully so as not to insult others. …Language evolves all the time, and a change that allows individuals and groups to claim their own identity increases civility, which costs the rest of us nothing. Far from restricting debate, the language of political correctness has returned a new dignity to formerly marginalized groups.”
Using middle school language is a lot easier than thinking about the words one uses and how they might be offensive to others, and if you had been comfortable with the terms when your supremacy was unquestioned by those whom you treated as less than human, having to use critical thinking skills in order to choose words wisely and kindly now that people don’t passively accept your rudeness and bigotry, is hard.
But now there is Donald Trump who has made all that acceptable again, and if he wins, people can be rude to others because it will be American again to do so.