For those who do not know me, or who know me during certain stages in my life, having been born in Boston in 1950, I was of the last generation of Catholics who lived under the Old Church.
That would include Latin; priests saying Mass with their backs to the people while everyone in the church, except the altar boys, of which I was one, who had a close up view of things, had no idea what was really going on up there; Parochial schools taught by Nuns who wore medieval habits and hit us in school with what appeared, at times, a little too much relish; and thinking we were one curse word or evil thought away from eternal damnation.
All this until Vatican II.
Then I went to a seminary, took my vows after novitiate, and lived in a religious community until I realized it was just not for me; came home and taught CCD, Sunday School on a week night for those who only know actual Sunday school; sang in and directed a church choir; taught at a parochial high school; and was really into all that until one day, when all the various pieces fell into place, and I connected all the dots and realized I was Gay, and after assuming that if I could live with that others who knew me for who I was would be just as easy with it, found out the president of the club, the pope, and all his minions threw me out of it.
I was still the same guy, but there was just something about me that had always been there just below the surface, and had never interfered with anything, that suddenly made me unacceptable.
All the good works I had done, like feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, clothing the naked, giving of my time for the benefit of others, became nothing because of this one bit of information.
I lived under Pius XII, was hopeful under John XXIII, saw some things go backward under Paul VI, got real suspicious with the sudden death of John Paul I, saw the second John Paul as another conservative and one of the trinity with Reagan and Thatcher, had heard a lot about Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger who became Benedict XVI during my seminary days from people who were watching his rise and not liking it.
Now along comes the new guy, Pope Francis, named after Francis Xavier the founder of the Jesuits, and not Francis the guy who liked animals and started the Franciscans, although most people seem to ignore that or won’t accept it, and maybe one of John XXIII’s windows might be re-opened to let some fresh air in.
Although I have not met them, I know those who oppose his “modern” ideas, as they are of the same ilk that went nuts with Vatican II, and had since done whatever they could to cancel it.
They were pretty successful under Paul, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI.
I’m hoping this pope not only gets to pull things forward, but grows to accept things that are not quite accepted now, or will make it easier for the next one to do it.
Today, while waiting for my visitors to come to my new apartment, I watched the pope arrive in his toy car at the White House. I wasn’t so interested in what he had to say as with what the commentators had to say about what he said. And it was predictable.
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Most stations just related events without much comment, but Fox perseverated on one or two sentences, and practically predicted the end of civilization as we know it.
On Face Book and in the comments sections after various articles about his arrival at the White house and the United States the day before, as was to be expected, there were a lot of comments, some unending from the same people stating that they had no interest in the pope while commenting before, during, and after the White House ceremony, and others who admitted they were not Catholic, but had their opinions about how the pope had ruined their lives.
By proxy maybe.
Some Face Bookers were holding running commentary that repeated their lack of interest before going off all about the pope they had no interest in and their actual lack of knowledge about the Catholic Church.
I got the feeling that some just felt left out and needed to find inclusion.
I have no interest in Football, so I do not watch and post.
Award show participants seem so needy to me, so I do not watch and post.
Reality shows strike me as only meaningful to those who have no lives of their own, but must live vicariously through others, so I neither watch nor post.
I have an interest in the pope. I watched and made a few posts.
I don’t expect the guy to change everything all at once. I don’t even expect that I will get my membership card back anytime soon.
But I started with Pius XII, and have to admit that there has been some progress in my lifetime, and relative to the 1,950 years before I showed up, I would be disingenuous if I claimed there hasn’t been any.