In the year 2020


When I was a kid those many years ago, my friends and I collected comic books. The oldest of our group, Kevin Sexton, had a desk with two drawers in it filled with them. Many were first editions that his mother unfortunately tossed out when she remodeled his bedroom and gave the desk to my mother for my brother and me.

But back then, who knew they would eventually be valuable?

The comics we collected and passed around covered the gamut from the super heroes of the day to Little Lulu and Baby Huey.

Some were easily forgotten, but others left an impression.

I remember one in particular about a guy who had his family move down into the cellar because the end of the world was imminent.

This was in the middle of the apex of the Cold War, and we were having atomic bomb drills in school, and there was a public service announcement on television that began with “our children have lived through wars and hear rumors of war” accompanied by pictures of tanks, buildings being bombed, explosions, and soldiers attacking other soldiers.

It was a time of paranoia.

The story in that comic was about all the disasters that the man imagined from his “hidey-hole” were happening to the world outside.

Eventually with his family near starvation and ragged, the man decided to throw caution to the wind and leave the cellar to see the destroyed world he had been imagining.

But, when he opened the cellar bulkhead and tentatively peeked outside, he saw a beautiful world that had progressed with lots of trees, tall, modern buildings, flying cars, and happy people strolling around.

The final panel with his horrified face included the words of FDR, “All we have to fear, is fear itself”.

I thought of that comic when. with the announcement of the military exercise, Jade Helm 15, politicians, militias, and loonies in general began predicting that it was a really going to be a government takeover complete with closed Walmarts being gathering places for those rounded up, with tunnels leading to train cars in which people would be shackled on their way to FEMA camps.

Never mind that the pictures of the train cars were actually of the ones automobiles are shipped in, and in which they needed to be secured with straps to keep them from bouncing around.

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Senator Ted Cruz who had said, “I understand the reason for concern and uncertainty, because when the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many citizens don’t trust what it is saying”.


Senator Rand Paul saying, “You know, I’ve gotten a few questions on it on the road, and I really don’t – I’m not sure about exactly what is going on with that.”

These statements, rather than telling the conspiracy theorists that they had it all wrong, gave them room to assume they were correct.
They were the equivalent to having said, “These are only military exercises, but you are justified in your paranoia.”

Rick Perry claimed that “normal Americans” feared the president would allow Islamic State militants to invade southwestern states during the military exercise, and that “[If] I were to become the president of the United States, I think there will be a clearly changed attitude toward that office, what comes out of that office, the messaging that comes out of that office that clearly puts America back on a course where people [don’t believe the president will implement martial law and allow Russians to build ‘death domes’].

Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the training exercise after panicked residents grilled a U.S. Army spokesman about various conspiracy theories. Instead of correcting people’s misconceptions, he moved away from a more measured response that would have knocked down those concerns after a wild public meeting. He gave in to the loonies.

Chuck Norris defended Abbott’s order speculating that Jade Helm 15 could be related to a possible ISIS attack. “It’s neither over-reactionary nor conspiratorial to call into question or ask for transparency about Jade Helm 15 or any other government activity,” he said.
He later asserted, “I have also said that I believe Jade Helm 15 is more than ‘just a training exercise’, and I think ISIS just gave us the clue”. That clue being International Business Times reporting: “The Islamic State group claims it could purchase a nuclear device from Pakistan and transport it to the United States through drug-smuggling channels”.

Representative Louie Gohmert based his claim that Obama was targeting “hostile” conservatives on his own military service and right-wing conspiracy theories.
“Such labeling tends to make people who have grown leery of federal government overreach become suspicious of whether their big brother government anticipates certain states may start another civil war or be overtaken by foreign radical Islamist elements which have been reported to be just across our border,” he said.

He accused President Obama of declaring war against states that vote Republican. “When my own commander-in-chief through his subordinates is just fine with, for games purposes, declaring an enemy of two or more of your states, I got a real problem with that. That is one of the most insensitive, outrageous things that a military commander could do.”

Alex Jones warned on his website that Jade Helm was part of the PsyOp to acclimate the American people to troops on the street and merge federal agencies with local law enforcement, and claimed there was a “decades-old plan for martial law” and that there were Pentagon documents and establishment media reports to show this.

Of course, the only shots of aggression aimed at Americans were those in Mississippi were they were aimed at a base where troops were taking part in the exercise, and the three men in North Carolina who began building an arsenal, including bombs, to fight back against a military takeover.

It’s over, nothing happened, and now it’s on to the next big threat, as some of the candidates at the debate on Wednesday threw out there.

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