Our own ISIS


The Christian Right has issued a threat to the U.S. Supreme Court.

They are threatening civil disobedience if SCOTUS rules in favor of same-sex marriage.

backin 2009, with, I am sure they will claim, no connection whatsoever to President Obama’s having recently taken office, 150 Christian Right religious and political leaders issued the “Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience”.

It dealt with three interrelated values: “sanctity of life,” “traditional marriage,” and “religious freedom”, and called for “resistance to the point of civil disobedience against any legislation that might implicate their churches or charities in abortion, embryo-destructive research or same-sex marriage.”

Even then, at least as far as a monopoly on marriage went, they thought they had more of a controlling role in American life than they actually do.

Now, they have gotten a little more unhinged as the White Southern Christian Nationalists has called for such things as political assassinations and secessionist civil war if he Court does not bow to them.

Calling this “A Bonhoeffer Moment in america ”, a reference to the famous Lutheran theologian  who resisted the Nazi regime, 200 Christian Right figures recently signed a renewed pledge of resistance to the anticipated Supreme Court decision favoring marriage equality.

This new manifesto claims that extending marriage to same-sex couples violates their religious freedom. As a result, they are warning the Supreme Court that they will ignore their decision and would adhere to “higher law.”

It was co-authored by Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel and Catholic activist Keith Fournier, and was signed by such well known Christian Right leaders as James Dobson, Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, John Hagee, William Boykin, and Frank Pavone; Southern Baptist Convention leaders Paige Patterson, Ed Young, Robert Jeffress and Richard Land; leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation, including Aveda King, Samuel Rodriguez, Cindy Jacobs, James Robison, Rick Joyner, and Joseph Mattera; and Republican politicians Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Tom DeLay.

Scott Lively, who ran for governor of Massachusetts and had a role in Russia’s anti-Gay laws and Uganda’s “kill the gays” legislation, has announced that the only way to oppose same sex marriage is with the “threat of the mob.”

“The elites need to see the angry mob – liberals and conservatives together – surging through the streets, pitchforks and torches held aloft, ready to tear down Frankenstein’s castle with their bare hands if need be. For Christians it’s Jesus and the moneychangers time! Making a whip of cords like He did with His own hands, and letting these arrogant puppet-masters know we mean to use it. The only way to deter the elites is with the threat of the mob. They need to see the pitchforks and torches to know they’ve gone too far and need to back down.”

Ignoring civil law and reacting to a court ruling you do not like with violence seems to be one of the possible ways that Al Qaeida might have gotten going.

People like Lively might dismiss this as merely a metaphor for opposition, but it is also language that could encourage people to act.

Threatening violence is not freedom of speech.

By the way, the lawsuit brought by Ugandan GLBT activists against Scott Lively, Sexual Minorities of Uganda v. Lively, will be tried in September of this year in federal court in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The civil disobedience may turn out to just be a threat issued from frustration as the world is changing around those who issued it, but there are people who listen to those who are in that above list, and, just as with Thomas a Becket in the cathedral, there could be those loyal knights who see taking action as the Christian thing to do.

America’s ISIS could be given birth in the name of a different religion, the “right one”.

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