Rather than just deal with whether or not same sex couples should have full citizenship rights in all 50 states, and dealing only with that, some of the SCOTUS justices decided to muddy the waters by introducing irrelevant things like incest, bestiality, polygamy, pedophilia, marrying minors, and satanic attacks during last weeks arguments as if none of that ever happened before, or continues now when straight people get married, and will only come into existence if same sex couples are recognized.
Some even went with the “Yeah, but…” argument that asks, “if we allow this, what about if someone introduces that”.
They acted as if two people of the same sex who love each other and want legally recognized relationships are the same as any icky thing they can come up with.
And here is Clarence Thomas, who is in a mixed race marriage, going along with that when his marriage model was thought of the same way within his life time. His marriage was believed to be a violation of natural order and would lead to unhealthy children.
And in states like Alabama when it came up to a vote almost half the people voted to keep interracial marriage banned.
But let’s be clear.
Presently, with only opposite sex marriage, Arkansas, Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington DC already allow incestuous marriages to some degree, and have done so long before Massachusetts legalized same sex marriage..
According to Neal Horsely, who ran for the governor of Georgia a few years ago, “When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule”.
In 2011, the Florida legislature was discussing a bill to ban bestiality in that state because of a man who accidentally strangled a goat named Meg during intercourse, but the bill’s passage met with trouble in the House.
In 2014 Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran was waxing fondly of his childhood when he said, “It was fun. It was an adventure, to be out there in the country and seeing what goes on. Picking up pecans — from that, to all kinds of indecent things with animals”.
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In most states, someone over 18 having sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and equal to pedophilia. However, if one person is over 18 and the other younger, the couple can get married with parental consent. The lowest age allowable in many states is 14.
So pedophilia, defined as “sexual desire in an adult for a child”, and with a child being anyone younger than the age of majority (18), is not an impediment to marriage if parents allow it. And in the old days the inclusion of a shot gun in the process was a given in certain cases.
In 1852, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made it known that plural marriage was part of its doctrine. It was opposed by the United States and the people where the church began, so the Mormons headed West. They only ruled out this practice when to do so was required for Utah to get statehood.
But some sects of the church still practice it.
Was outlawing it then, and attempting to prosecute those engaged in it now limiting a practice based on religious beliefs, and, therefore, a violation of religious freedom?
It did redefine marriage for a major religion, one begun in the United States.
Sex with animals may be extreme and limited, but it was faultless for some before Gay marriage, as was polygamy. And even without same sex marriage, minors could and still can marry people in the majority, and in some states marriages with first cousins, a form of incest, is perfectly okay.
So why would they be acceptable before gay marriage and suddenly not after?
And why do people pretend that these things did not exist before and would only come into existence as a result of it?
And as far as Satanic attacks, those seem to have been going on for quite a long time.