

Let’s review some of the most recent things to come out of Texas.

Last summer when children from Central America were fleeing their countries and coming to the United States, certain Texas politicians claimed that they were ISIS members in training and that among the children were hidden already trained members of ISIS who would attack America.

Also, in spite of diseases like measles cropping up again because parents were refusing to have their children vaccinated for reasons based on conspiracy theories and junk science, politicians in Texas warned that these Central American children were bringing Ebola and other diseases across the border with them.

Part of their processing upon reaching the border was for these children to be given medical examinations and, if any diseases were found, treatment. This included the vaccinations American Parents were refusing for their children

So basically these children were ISIS disease bombs who were set to go off very soon after arrival, although none of that happened regardless how sure the politicians had been.

There were supposed to be ISIS training camps just across the Texas/Mexico border that no one has been able to find. But Texas insists they are there.

There’s even supposed to be one in Texas that is so secret, no one has any proof of it.

Yet the closest thing to a terrorist that Texas has been able to find is a nine year old native-born elementary school kid who was suspended and labeled a terrorist for bringing a facsimile of the ring from the Lord of the Rings movie series to school one day. His crime was to tell a fellow nine year old that he had magic powers and could make him disappear. Of course, there was further evidence of this kid’s being a threat because one day he brought his favorite book to school to impress his teacher, but school officials found “The Big Book of Knowledge” objectionable because it had a picture of a pregnant woman in it, and on another occasion he had referred to a Black student as “Black”.

Because of the number of textbooks school districts in Texas buy, the state has an inordinate influence on what publishers include in them, and this influences what other states have to deal with.

Besides demanding that God be given credit for writing the U.S. Constitution, members of the Texas Board of Education have been insisting on including Confederate Glorification in textbooks, as well as claims that Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s may have been justified in many of the things he claimed, outright denying that climate change is a thing, and that creationism should have equal treatment with evolution in Science classes.

But the state cannot afford to buy the books they had such influence over. Other states are stuck with their nonsense.

And even though the state’s students rank 49 out of 50 states, Texas refuses to allow the Federal government to have any power over Texas state standards.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay warned Americans to remember that God “wrote the Constitution” based on the Bible.
“I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government; when we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it’s based on biblical principles.”

Sounds slightly Talibanic, especially for those for whom the Bible is just a book.

There is even an armed movement in Texas to protect land from being taken away from its owners by the federal government with the only proof of this plot being that no one has said anything to that effect which proves it is a secret plot.

Ted Cruz.
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It appears that Texas has an insatiable desire to keep looking for threats, no matter how bizarre, and when one peters out just runs off looking for another.

As with any war, the military needs training, and since most of our fighting now takes place in desert settings, it stands to reason that the military needs to hold exercises in areas that approximate that environment.

During the Viet Nam War the Louisiana swamps were used for training as our military needed to adjust to jungle warfare as opposed a European environment.

Operation Jade Helm 15 is a multi-branch major training exercise planned to take place in both populated and wilderness areas across states in the Southwest because of the desert environment there.

But the governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, has called out the Texas State Guard to “monitor” the exercise because he supports the paranoid fear that this training is actually the federal government’s excuse to impose “martial law”.

There was a meeting held in Bastrop County, Texas where people from there as well as Houston and Dallas met to question the U.S. commander in charge of the exercise, Lt. Col Mark Lastoria, about the government’s plan to confiscate guns and implement martial law.

He explained that “The nature of warfare is always changing and U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s mission is to make certain the Army’s various Special Operations Forces are trained, equipped and organized to successfully conduct worldwide special operations in support of our nation’s interests. You may have issues with the administration. So be it. But this institution right here has been with you for over 200 years. I’ve worn this uniform across five different administrations for 27 years.”

He pointed out that people with a “personal agenda” about the exercise had been spreading misinformation on conservative media outlets and social networks.

In response to his two hour explanation of the realities and purpose of the exercise, Governor Abbot responded, “It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed…by monitoring the Operation on a continual basis, the State Guard will facilitate communications between my office and the commanders of the Operation to ensure that adequate measures are in place to protect Texans.”

The paranoia, which the governor is feeding into, began with the operations map that had labeled Texas, Utah and part of Southern California as “hostile” territory. In any military exercise someone has to be the “enemy”. Someone has to be shirts to the other’s skins.

After years of being told that President Obama is coming for their guns, Texans seem to be willing to believe that this is how it will happen.

And the governor has directed that Texas’s own militia watch American troops and report on them to him.

Think about that. Texas has its own trained and armed militia monitoring the U.S military, and the governor has taken no steps to calm people down so that they do not misinterpret the actions of the exercise and defend themselves from a perceived attack.

I have friends in Texas. I even have relatives there, although I do not know them all that well except to say they are relatives.

But I feel that the next time Texas gets upset when it does not get what it wants and once again threatens secession, we should assess what infrastructure they have that was paid for from federal money, and, therefore, by the people of the other states, have them pay it back minus their share, which, of course, will depend on how much money they got back annually for each dollar paid into the federal coffers, and, well, let them go.

They want to be their own country, or so they keep saying when they do not like what is happening in the rest of the United states, and perhaps they should stand on their own without the advantages they have now for being part of this county.

Just sayin’

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