God’s priority


By now people should be aware of Oklahoma’s State Representative Sally Kern.

No matter what decision she makes, good or bad, beneficial or detrimental, no matter how questionable, her default explanation is that she is doing what God has directed her to do.

Although outwardly religious, and accepted as such by those who claim to be religious themselves, it borders on blasphemy as she takes no responsibility for any actions she takes or decisions she makes, preferring to have people praise or blame God for her choices and actions.

The problem with this approach is that those who do not accept her actions and proposed bills, those who have found facts to object to them, are reminded that these are the things allegedly instituted by God, and in the process she turns people away, as opposed bringing people to what appears to be a more than unreasonable and non-loving deity.

If people oppose her, she claims they oppose God, and those who love God in turn defend her because they assume they are defending Him from an attack by the ungodly.

She banks on winning her arguments not based on their merits, but the faithfuls’ love of their God.

She uses religion and the faith of people for her own ends and in an attempt to remove any opposition to what she wants.

She uses religion as a tool, and the religious as tools.

She is the worst kind of viper.

She is what Jesus, Himself, warned his true believers against in Matthew 7:15:

 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.


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