Here’s the easiest way to explain things, at least to me.
A male to female transition means the person IS a female.
A Female to male transition means the person IS a male.
Prior to transitioning, a person has realized who he or she really is.
People already in their proper gender (cisgender) do not know what this is like, and cannot identify with it. But that doesn’t mean they should dismiss it. The world does not exist only according to our own experiences.
What has basically happened is that a code erroneously sent or interfered with during fetal development has been corrected, and the person is now mentally, psychologically, and physically the person who they should have always been.
Fetal development and birth can be described as “miracles” if a person thinks of what could go wrong for a myriad of reasons during gestation and as a baby passes through the Play-Doh Fun Factory of life during the birth process.
Since it’s all a chemical process, even the slightest introduction of an irrelevant chemical could influence the process. That’s why pregnant women are advised to avoid drinking and smoking during pregnancy, and thalidomide is no longer used.
Those who are comfortable in their cisgender need to imagine what it would be like to have been raise as the opposite gender in spite of what they knew, while wanting to correct that falls on deaf ears.
And there is a huge difference between true sex and secondary sexual characteristics.
To me, that’s the easiest way to explain it to people, and people need easy explanations for complicated things.
The least important thing is where the person poops and pees.
But, whenever the rights of Transgender people are discussed in the legislative halls, the main concern always seems to be about the toilet.
Never mind that the male will use the restroom with the little man on the door, and the female the one with the little woman on it, but just as with their always wondering how Gay people “do it”, people who make the laws always seem to obsess on toilets and where a transgender person intends to poop or pee .
Because Atherton High School in Louisville, Kentucky, showed some maturity and understanding when it approved a policy that would allow students to use school spaces in accordance with their gender identity, Senator C.B. Embry Jr., a Republican in Kentucky, has come up with a bill titled the Kentucky Student Privacy Act (SB 76).
This bill would ignore facts and science and have all students identified by their “biological sex” as determined by their chromosomes and their gender assignment at birth.
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The Senator does not accept the existence of Transgender people. But that would be to accept science, and we know how leading Republicans do not accept science.
Instead of Transgender students being permitted to use the restrooms in accordance with their sexual identity, they would have to use specially designated single stall ones, which, besides having the possibility of not being conveniently located, would be obvious to all other students.
Students would know something about other students that is really none of their business by seeing who uses these restrooms.
A student wanting to live according to his or her true self could be subjected to harassment by closed minded peers, and schools can be cruel places for those who do not fit in with the majority. We can’t expect students to be more open minded than the adults or to be more informed and accepting especially when the adults keep promoting their falsehoods and misinformation.
Further, the senator’s bill would punish a school that respects Transgender students, and does not have separate facilities, or ignores the “need” for them, if a student finds he or she is sharing a restroom with a Transgender student.
How would the student even know?
The offended student would be eligible to get $2,500 from the school.
The senator believes that other students will be traumatized, and the Transgender students would be looking for prey, I guess using their sexual identity to get into the restroom with others of the “opposite sex”.
This mind set is proof enough that the senator needs to get educated.
This is also the senator, by the way, who opposed an anti-bullying bill because it would have included sexual identity and sexual orientation.
He believes his bill should be fast tracked because the situation constitutes an emergency.
Atherton High School in Louisville opposes the senators move based on the fact that there have been no problems with the policy. The principal explains, “Our decisions were founded on facts and on the proper way to treat people.”
Imagine, if his bill passes, being a student of any sexual orientation or gender identity entering a student restroom knowing that there is a strong, incentivized possibility you are being checked out by another student hoping for that $2,500.
The senator is establishing legalized voyeurism in the name of his version of decency. He wants to pay students $2,500 to look at other students in the bathroom.
And at that price there will be a lot of cross inter-urinal inspections and peeking in those small openings on the toilet stall doors.
Smart idea, senator.