What a racket


In the United States we have laws that everyone is expected to follow.

Religions can have their own rules for those who belong to them, but their rules do not supersede the laws that apply to everyone.

Hey, who doesn’t like bacon, a pork product?

One of our big concerns in the United Sates, and something upon which many people have strong opinions, is Sharia law being applied when civil laws should be obeyed.

I can’t just cut off your hands because you stole my TV.

If It’s wrong for Sharia, it is wrong for any religion to tell its members to ignore the laws of the land.

Same-sex marriage is now legal in Florida, so Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski has sent a memo to all church employees informing them that any expressions of support for gay marriage could cost them their jobs.

He even included tweets or Facebook posts when he wrote, “even if it occurs outside the normal working day and outside the strict confines of work performed by the employee for the Archdiocese. Employees should exercise discretion when posting on social media sites, and note that online activity indicative of prohibitive behaviors may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination”.

So I guess if you intend to be present at a family member’s or a friend’s legal same-sex marriage in Florida, you need to make sure you don’t tell anyone you are going, and avoid posting any pictures on your Facebook page for friends to see after.

Freedom of expression is dead to you.

You are Catholic, so you lose some of your Creator endowed self evident rights.

But that’s okay.

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If you do get the benefits, it’s other people’s money, not that contributed by your exempt former employer.

So, I guess you can always go hungry or see if you can get a little public assistance to tide you over until you can find a new job.

But then, again, that will also come from taxes that churches don’t pay but non-church members do.

So, apparently, if you are fired for exercising your Constitutional right of freedom of expression because the church disregards the laws of the land, you might be able to rely on money that comes from the other people of the land whose laws the church choses to disregard.

What a racket.

Don’t pay taxes.

Ignore the laws of the land.

Get fee use of tax funded infrastructures like fire and police.

And, if necessary, have those you fired rely on the taxes paid by others.

Thank God we don’t have Sharia Law here.

“Bonum est deus!”

Or would that be “Allahu Akbar”?

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