When I taught Special Education I had at least two kids with this problem; They had so convinced themselves that their narrative was true, that to them it became the truth. It wasn’t automatic, but it established itself over time.
In one case it was a defense mechanism as the student’s real world was not safe in many respects, and in others it was just too boring compared to his peers. His created world was fascinating, and he was the most macho person in it.
In the other case the kid took pieces of other kids’ lives and grafted them to his own. Whereas his real world was empty and unexciting, his created world had him the hero of many adventures. He could escape from the boring reality to an exciting one, and in so doing come across as the person he would have liked to have been, just not the person he actually was.
Unfortunately when the two worlds collided, he got the bad end of the deal which he dealt with by creating more of the fantasy he needed.
Both assumed that the lives they presented were accepted by their peers. They did not realize they weren’t.
If they were to have been given a lie detector test, in spite of how wrong they were, and in spite of how many others in the room knew they were not telling the truth, they would not register as lying, as what they truly believed had become their own unarguable truth.
I know adult like this who, for whatever reason, appropriate the facts about other people’s lives, make them part of their experience, and become totally convinced that what they present as truth is the truth.
There is something familiar when I see what the GOP is now attempting to do as they hope that they can convince their followers to accept their created world as the real one.
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The GOP has just taken over both Houses of Congress, yet they are telling people that because they are now in charge all the good news of the past few months like gas prices falling, unemployment numbers getting lower while employment numbers rise, and Wall Street doing rather well, is all because of them.
Mitch McConnell claims,
“After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress”.
This expectation apparently goes back to the summer of 2014 when surveys and pundits backed the idea that Republicans would not do well in the mid-term elections.
Such is McConnell’s created world.
Things began to improve starting back in 2011, and as they did, the Republicans claimed there was no improvement. Now they want to not only claim that what they had been denying actually existed, but that the improvement was due to them.
Ignore that McConnell and his cohorts in the senate did what they could to obstruct any improvement for 6 years relying heavily on filibusters. According to him none of that ever happened.
After sticking it to the American people, and attempting to use that to ruin Obama, the GOP wants people to believe they were quietly improving things and it finally happened because of them.
Think of all the past events that were beneficial to the country. By McConnell’s reasoning they happened then because the GOP has both Houses now.