Oklahoma, a state that allows for the open carry of guns and rifles even in stores, is considering a law that would make wearing a hoody in stores, and even in public, a crime.
Presently, stores, banks, and other businesses often have signs that inform people entering that they need to take off hats, hoods and sunglasses both so they can be identified and so as not to make others in the establishment uncomfortable.
In some places there are signs informing customers that not wearing a shirt or shoes could result in a denial of service, but there is no law that would require shirts and shoes.
When the original law that had allowed for concealed carry was passed, some businesses posted signs that notified customers guns were not allowed on the premises, and people went Second Amendment nuts over that.
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It will be interesting to see if the same people who object to gun control and ensuring that businesses can discriminate on religious grounds will find fault with this state’s governmental overreaching by dictating fashion.
And, although I would be the last one to suspect it, aren’t the majority of people who favor hoodies members of one particular race?
I seem to recall pictures of White guys walking around Walmart and Toys-R-Us with guns slung over their shoulders with no objection, and a Black guy shot to death in a Walmart because he had picked up a toy rifle in the toy aisle.
Not saying this proposed law is directed toward a particular demographic, but I am thinking it.