On Wednesday’s show, Rush Limbaugh explained that America had voted at the mid-term election on November 4, and there was a landslide mandate for the Republicans to do their thing, and President Obama should just accept that and act accordingly.
Apparently he hadn’t noticed that in 2008 and again in 2012, Obama was elected then re-elected as president by a landslide, so the Republican Party should have worked with him.
One landslide that was an overwhelming vote of the majority of the people apparently is not as important a thing as a “landslide” vote that was actually 51% of the 33% of eligible voters who actually voted.
On the day of President Obama’s inauguration, after all, the GOP had a meeting to decide what they could do to obstruct anything the president might want to do to fulfill his campaign promises, and in 2010 they declared their intention was to make sure that President Obama would be a one term president.
So, there’s no hypocrisy in Rush’s attitude.
And now, even though they could have done something about immigration, they are all upset that the president had to take action on his own because they have done nothing, and they do not like that.
And what are they going to do with that mandate Rush talked about?
Will they address the economy, jobs, training programs for veterans?
Nope, they are going to take more pressing action that will, of course, validate the choice of those who voted the GOP into the majority in both Houses.
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They are going to cut funding to limit the president’s use of Air Force One which could actually mean he just can’t use it.
Tim Huelskamp of Kansas suggested that the budgets for White House operations, including for Air Force One, should be decreased. “I’d rather defund Air Force One. Congress took a 19 percent cut on its budgets — we should do the same for the White House”, he said.
According to the Washington Post here are some other important matters the GOP will deal with before they get around to doing what will actually help the American people:
Representative Paul C. Broun of Georgia called for Boehner to not invite Obama to deliver the State of the Union address this January.
16 presidents have delivered the State of the Union in the Congressional Chamber, so, of course, preventing President Obama from doing it would not imply anything beyond respect for the position.
Texas’ newly-elected governor, Greg Abbot plans to sue Obama on behalf of his state as his first action as governor, and his would be in keeping with his record since as that state’s Attorney General since becoming he has sued President Obama 30 time since 2009.
This I why people elected the GOP?
Other conservatives have suggested censuring the president, some want him impeached, and others want to sue him for his Executive Order on Immigration.
And let’s not forget they are in the process of shutting down the government again.
And they blame Obama for the rest of the world losing respect for this country.