This could cause a problem with a very problematic solution.
Remember that “It’s against me religion” kid?
North Carolina State Senate leader Phil Berger said he will introduce legislation that would protect government employees in his state, such as registers of deeds and magistrates, from any disciplinary actions that might result from their choosing to discriminate against same-sex couples and same-sex families because their religious beliefs would be allowed to trump their obligations as public employees whose salaries are paid for from the taxes of the very people they choose to discriminate against.
The state senator, along with State House Speaker Thom Tillis, hired private counsel to appeal the Circuit Court decision that brought marriage equality to North Carolina.
When he made his announcement amid hymn singing and the waving of Christian flags, Berger stood with John Kallam Jr., the Rockingham County magistrate who, based on religious grounds, chose to quit his job rather than perform same-sex marriages.
“Forcing magistrate Kallam to abandon his religious beliefs to save his job is just wrong,” Sen. Berger told the crowd.
“The court’s expansion of the freedoms of some should not violate the well-recognized constitutional rights of others. Complying with the new marriage law imposed by the courts should not require our state employees to compromise their core religious beliefs and First Amendment rights in order to protect their livelihoods.”
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When it comes to dealing with other legal papers of same sex families who were legally married by someone who did not have a problem with following the law because of their religious beliefs, such as wills, adoptions, or death certificates, Senator Berger did not address whether his legislation would also apply to them.
How it would apply to non-governmental private businesses also seems to not be on his radar.
But one can imagine where he would stand if a private business chose to discriminate based on “religious beliefs”.
We live in a country of laws. People in North Carolina live in a state of laws. But if this idea catches on among other states there will be two systems in this country, as there will be in his state.
There will be those citizens to whom all laws apply, and those who can pick and choose what laws they will follow.
This could cause confusion as there are many religions and various things that will be affected by the beliefs of them.
Or, will one religion have precedent over others.