He loves his wife

This is just too much.

The old phrase about being willing to sell your mother to get something seems to be applicable to the Trump family.

The original plan was to have an elaborate mausoleum for Trump and his children , and/or wives, and/or whoever would fit in one to the six niches inside, complete with obelisks at each corner of the structure, to be built at the first hole at Trump’s golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Very pleasant thing to see as you tee up on the first, and a way to force the memory of Trump on anyone who plays golf there. He will get the forced attention he craves in perpetuity.

It did not happen because the city of Bedminster did not okay the plan as the building was a little too out of place, both in placement and garishness, for the Character of the town.

When Ivana Trump died recently and suddenly at her home in New York, she was buried at the first hole of the golf course in an area set aside to sit in for the temple.

There was no Mausuleum, so, as no one else is buried there, Ivana is like the dog you interred in your back yard except it isn’t really your backyard, just a spot on you business property.

However, this is not a simple odd act but part of a plan that using her death, Trump would be able to make some cash.

I suppose the outward plan is that this will be the resting place for theTrump clan, but if it does not pay off, there will be no reason to bury any other family there, no money in it, and poor Ivana could be the odd grave at the golf course that becomes part of local lovers’ lane lore.

Had Trump been able to build his mosoleum, the property could be declared a “Cemetery Company” where an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other public or private entity that “owns, operates, controls, or manages land or places used or dedicated for use for burial of human remains or disposition of cremated human remains, including a crematory located on dedicated cemetery property,” and get tax breaks because

“The act relieves cemetery companies from the payment of: Real Property Taxes on lands dedicated to cemetery purposes; income taxes, and sales [and] use taxes.”

A mausoleum that is intended to be a shrine would fit that description, but a backyard burial may not.

Of course, Trump might attempt the childish tactic when he tries again for the tax break whining, “but my wife being there already means it’s a cemetery already.”

So Ivana was buried where she would be of use more so dead than alive because her just lying there could mean Trump makes money.

I don’t know if they are capable of thinking this, but, would that have meant that any member of his family, his wives and kids, who was the first to die would have been this place keeper.

Was that on Trump’s mind?

Do they realize that as fatherly and loving that they assume their father to be, he was also viewing them as the potential anchor body?







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