Last week, when Marco Rubio attempted to dismiss people’s legitimate reactions to the rescinding of Roe v Wade, Clarence Thomas’s statement that other unenumerated rights established over the years, especially marriage equality and the House bill to protect the stated target o attack, Gay Marriage, as simply a “stupid waste of time.”
This a fine example of Privilege, in this case cisgender, Christian, Male privilege as something important to others is considered a waste Foroff time by those it does not effect.
Remember how crazy he went when Obama moved to normalize relations with Cuba which would have removed certain special rights extended to Cuban refugees who just have to step on American soil to be granted entrance while others have immigration procedures that are much stricter?
There are things that affect one group of people that are of no concern to others.
But that does not make them so dismissible.
There are books to ban, abortions to deal with, forcnig little girls to have babies in Jesus’s name, protecting the right to own whatever sort of guns you want and how many of them you want without any limit as to clip capacity, but the Creator endowed rights given to all men, even beyond our borders being protecetd by and fo those who will lose them is a waste of time.
Peter Buttigieg had responded to this dismissal,of citizen taxpayers by pointing out that, if Rubio has
“time to fight against Disney, I don’t know why he wouldn’t have time to help safeguard marriages like mine. Look, this is really, really important to a lot of people. It’s certainly important to me.”
At one point
Recently, Rubio had explained that Gay people are not worried about losinng their rights, they are concerned about the price of gas, and that was what the real, problem is and he is going to deal with that without saying how.
To Rubio, Buttigief is just a “Harvard-educated Transportation secretary” and is a married Gay man. How would Pete have any idea what the issuesn are.
“I’ll give you a real problem. We have a Transportation secretary named Pete Buttigieg, who believes that highways can be racist. Who believes that $5 gas, which is killing working Americans, is a great thing, because that means people are going to drive less or because everyone’s going to go out and buy a $65,000 electric car with a Chinese battery in it.”
A very factual and reasoned response, one must say, and one that will surely result in solutions to the decreasing cost of gas at the pump and the declining inflation rate
One of his chief objections to people wanting to preserve Gay marriage is that the only people who are concerned aboit it are ” a bunch of affluent elite liberals” a “bunch of Marxist misfits, who sadly today control the agenda of the modern Democratic Party.”
Well, there you go. Not only has he been able to explain to the world and the Gay Community what our real concerns are, but he is able to sum us all up in one complete package because he knaows all of us and our life experiences.
Rubio does not like that the House advanced the Respect for Marriage Act, which would codify marriage rights for same-sex and interracial couples.
Interracial couples need that protection too?
Are they also as a group a “bunch of affluent elite liberals” and “Marxist misfits too”?