Lipstick, rainbows, and pigs

Last June, State Farm Insurance tweeted,

 “We believe no one should be afraid to celebrate who they are. Let’s support our LGBTQ+ neighbors and show our Pride together!”

adding #GoodNeighbor and #PrideMonth.

Now, skip ahead a few months arriving at and being in the time when proponents of Evangelical Sharia are demanding that books with which they do not agree and which they do not want their children to read should not be made available in public schools and public libraries supported by all taxpayers to anyone to read or allow their children to.

The Chief Diversity Officer of State Farm Insurance has stated that the company would no longer be supporting Gender Cool, a program that gets affirming books for Trans or Non-Binary youth into schools and libraries.

The reason for the 180 is because the support “has been the subject of news and customer inquiries.”

Although admitting that while

“This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity,”

The Chief Diversity Officer, like a scratch on an old LP, jumped to,

 “We will no longer support that program.”

Diversity and inclusivity are not on the outs at State Farm because, as the right wing insists and CDO agrees in his statement,

 “Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents.”

You know, how like religion and family values are taught at home and not left up to public school teachers to do while knowing that not all families have the same values and what is a good value to one might be objectionable to another making them subject to constant parental scrutiny, fines, and termination.

So, my advice again this year is to look with a jaundice eye when companies suddenly go all Rainbow where they haven’t before. Don’t get giddy assuming they are now woke and, thank God, the world is a much better place now.

Walmart may have a rainbow Kitsch display for June, but from July to May they support politicians who oppose GLBT rights.

Get drawn to a product or a store that beckons you with rainbows?

Take whatever electronic device is on your person and check them out.

In the meantime, just get on the internet and look up what the rainbow festooned companies do the rest of the year.

We may not know what the deer see in the headlights, but we do know that, although it is shiny and calls to the deer it most likely isn’t what the deer thought it was.







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