We assume because they claim so that the pro-birthers in the country are so because each fetus is a child blessed by God and a blessing to the family, and should be loved and nurtured until birth as children of God, little angels.
They are made in God’s image and likeness and are the greatest gift to humanity.
Except, when they have to get down with legal wording to defend this belief by outlawing all abortions with no exceptions, they reveal it is not about winning for the children, but winning to win.
In the draft decision of the end of Roe v Wade, Justice Alito refers to children as the
“Domestic supply of infants”
available for adoption, and bemoaning that this commodity has
“Become virtually non existent”,
I guess like toilet paper during the early days of the pandemic or bread and milk when the first snowflake falls.
Obviously the fear is that if women in the Unites States don’t keep cranking out the product, excuse me, blessing from God, we will have to go outside the country to find kids to adopt in spite of there already being 443,000 domestically produced kids in foster care.
Statistically, 1 in 50 children in the country are adopted at a rate of around 140,000 children each year.
So, unless we want to have a reserve of adoptable children like we do with the petroleum, we really do not have to keep producing adoptable kids.
Wouldn’t it be nice if children were born into families and in conditions that do not call for adoption, or, if the conservatives and evangelicals would adopt the kids they defend until they are born?
But, this is a business consideration and we need to produce babies for adoption like manufacturers make automobiles in such quantity that every year thousands of late model cars have to be reduced in price to move them on so there is room for the next year’s model.
Besides, if we run out of kids whose education we limit, who will do the work that makes investors on Wall Street rich?