So, because pride “goeth before the fall” and a legion of angels created by a perfect God who you would have expected to have created perfect creatures rebelled against that God and were cast into whatever name is given to the opposite of heaven where, with Lucifer at their head, have spent all of known time trying to screw up God’s other creation, man.
A Flawed product that went so horribly wrong would have one consider if this creating thing was good at all, and what mistakes could be avoided of it were tried again
This same omnipotent God who had no problem killing off a large segment of His human creations with a world-wide floods, killing Egypt’s first born ironically doing that so the Hebrews could escape and go into the desert where among the Ten Commandments He gave them there was one declaring, “Thou shalt not kill,” was somehow incapable of wiping out the fallen angels and starting over like he did after the flood.
Lucifer is now considered to be the devil, or Satan, not really an angel anymore. If this is the case, and an angel can be changed into a devil, would this not be some sort of transitioning from who you were to who you are?
God chose not to kill all the rebellious angels but to turn them into something they had not been that looks the same and maintains all the original features but is no longer an angel.
When He took Adam’s rib and made it into a mate for him, the DNA and chromosomal configuration was the same in both humans because she who we call Eve had Adams DNA and chromosomes so we had two males in the Garden of Eden capable of procreation, they were told to increase and multiply, but this could only be if the DNA and Chromosomes of Adam’s rib were changed.
These were both occasions where God took what something was and changed them into who He actually wanted them to be. For Satan it was oblivion or change. For Adam and Steve, it was changing the gender of Adam’s mate.
He could have simply made a second person the way He made the first one, so there was a reason He did it this way.
Getting back to Adam, God bent down and using clay built Adam.
I have observed people working with clay as I have a friend on Cape Cod connected with Bass River who is a master potter and I have watched her work. She would add more cay where needed, removing what turns out to be extra, and she is constantly squeezing the clay, squishing it around with your fingers, and fondling it into shape. It’s like a massage or tickling session after which the lump of clay on the table becomes a better shaped thing.
Considering Adam began as a random lump clay and only became a human when he was fully formed as more lumps were added and God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being (Genesis 2:7)”, what happened up to that point was Adam’s gestation from a random collection of clay into a “living being” with that breath.
If Adam were to have been able to feel anything during that period, he must have giggled a lot when the molding of the clay tickled, and one can only wonder how he responded to all the fondling of clay especially in a certain private area that called for creating three appendages with the careful rolling of some clay into a tubular appendage and forming two perfectly round balls as well. That called for a lot of groping, fondling, and tickling to get those done.
Adams was a fully matured adult upon completion, so beyond getting tickled and giggling, did he also get aroused?
Using Biblical logic, it doesn’t say he didn’t.
If he didn’t feel anything such a question is stupid, but, considering that everything in the whole Genesis story until the expulsion that related to Adam and Eve became integral parts of humanity. Their original sin, the first one every committed, and this by people who had no knowledge of the binary existence of the two opposites, good and bad, correct and incorrect with no idea of something being a bad because that knowledge came only when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and only then new it existed. Because Eve got Adam to eat the apple, all women have labor pains. For some reason God gave Adam superfluous nipples of no use, an odd thing since he made Adam first so they must have had a purpose, or why?
Did God get distracted and lose where he was in the process and assumed when He saw them he had already hooked them up?
And, according to all the religious pictures, He also gave Adam and Steve belly buttons when they never had umbilical cords.
But, guys, we have nipples.
We also know God only created a human counterpart because He had noticed Adam was not attracted to the other beasts like, apparently, He assumed he would be. And when He had done that, the only way that the two of them could have grandchildren is if they and their offspring were all involved with multigenerational incest.
But, getting back to the Adam being made thing, If Adam felt nothing as he was being formed, would not this same trait be passed along like Original sin, useless nipples, the pain of childbirth, and snakes with no legs?
So, the usual argument that the human fetus responds to external stimuli, such as pain, very early in development, and that therefore it is more than simply a congealing group of cells, would not be consistent with what is in Genesis, unless, again, God made some major changes to improve the flaws in the creation by an omniscient and perfect being.
Adam just lay there until God breathed into him, so the claim that human fetuses are viable after the second full trimester is also inconsistent as the inerrant word of God only described him as the dust of the earth into which, once fully formed and ready to go, God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”.
Certainly to claim a fetus can feel pain, would be choosing science against the word of God.
So, in genesis, we have two examples of God using a process of transitioning, or not if we can accept it actually was Adam and Steve, an example of intergenerational incest that lasted for more than just the second generation and at rabbit velocity as the only way of fulfilling the divine command to go forth and multiple, God a Perfect being incapable of error having to clear the board of all playing pieces with a flood and then relying ,once again, on incest this time to restart humanity, generational and unnecessary things being passed on from the first to all humans like nipples for everyone, useful or not, original sin, labor pains, and having to wear clothes that were somehow a never mentioned requirement as, mysteriously, Adam and Steve realized they were not wearing clothes, something they knew nothing about, were never told about, and never saw once they bit the fruit (not an apple).
Yet in spite of all that, especially the things mentioned and passed on as part of the human condition, somehow a gestating fetus can feel pain a scientific claim, and Bible Thumpers reject science.
Although they claim the Bible as the origin of laws and the arbiter of the human condition, they cannot even get their source material to stop contradicting itself.
God tells us not to kill, and we are told that killing a fetus is murder and anathema to God.
The the big flood killed every man, woman, child, and fetus outside Noah’s family.
The same thing happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, indiscriminate killing which, obviously, included innocent fetuses guilty of nothing.
If He didn’t kill fetuses Himself, he often had humans do it like when He told the Hebrews,
“Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”
And thus, God got land for Israel.
Three times he went after the Canaanites whose land He then gave to the Hebrews as if unaware that other people were already there, after they followed His orders and killed men, women, children, and the unborn.
Even in the New Testament He did not change his habit of killing people for the flimsiest of reason as when the Holy Spirit smote Ananias and Sapphira who did not tell Paul how much they actually got from the sale of their property.
Yet, in arguing against a woman’s right to have control of her body, the claim is made that not only does God not condone killing, but He especially does not abide it when it comes to fetuses, at least the ones He hasn’t gotten around to killing Himself yet.
If you are keeping score, those who claim that killing a fetus is satanic and the work of the devil ignore there is no Biblical account anywhere when the devil killed anyone. He tempted, but he allowed others to choose.
God just crept up and actively killed people on multiple occasions.
Perhaps, instead of claiming abortion goes against the will of God as it is murder, they should use Satan as their benchmark as he has a better record in that regard.
Our laws are based on logic and our country is based on clearly written wording, thoroughly researched and defended arguments, and specific, unarguable language.
To base them on a confused story of how we got here while ignoring the actions of a God who does not set the best example and seems to change His mind on a whim when it comes to killing babies, seems to be setting us up for disaster.
But they do have one act of God, or command at least, on which they can justify why they are concerned for the unborn but not the child after birth.
“Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rocks” Psalm 137:9.
You can’t dash little ones until after they are born.
Save the fetus. Splatter the child.
Let’s stick with civil laws based on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and avoid laws based on a fickle God whose actions and decrees are inconsistent.