he isn’t

When I began my teaching career as a Special Education teacher, my first group of students were those labelled “Emotionally Disturbed”. Special Ed was a new field in the mid-1970s, and few people in administrative positions who had to be in charge, had any training in Special Ed and saw children other than those with observable traits like blindness, deafness, and Down’s Syndrome, but they just could not wrap their heads around those instances of students whose needs and limitations were more subtle.

The assumption was that any sociopathic kid must be emotionally disturbed as they behaved outside the norm as a matter of course and just needed to be controlled somehow since the days of just kicking a problem kid out of school were over.

Actually, what they needed was behavior modification so they would be better able to handle the situations they had them acting out because of some deep, emotional wound.

It was not so much what the students did, as that was a given, but why they did it so that it could be more effectively addressed. Even today in retirement, I still am not so much interested in what someone does, but why they do it.

Beyond the obvious observable behavior that is clear and unmistakable, it was necessary to determine why that moment, why that action. It took longer than a swift kick to observe, assess, and address as it is harder to see and takes longer to assess, but it usually bore fruit

The Why often explained the What, and it was from that point that positive change could be mad.

A certain local elected official has a problem with immigrants. He sees them as “Criminal Illegal Aliens” who should have come here like others did, like his father had.

As a Gay man I am very familiar with the overcompensation of certain closeted Gays who, keep people from seeing their truth by being the strongest anti-Gay person around. This often explains the many conservative, anti-Gay politicians who, in spite of their constant condemnations of Gay people, are found attempting to solicit sex in mens restrooms.

So, I got to thinking that because of the often cartoonish way this politician addresses immigration and because of how vehemently he does so, and how often, like the Anti-Gay politicians and the kids in my Special Ed classes, there is a why to it.

During World War II Sir John, a title bestowed on him by Pius XII (pope of a church that does not have a history of respecting knights if you go by the Templars and accept the Knights of Columbus is just a fraternal organization), worked for British Intelligence.

Sir John was posted in Middle East during the war where he adopted a young man and eventually, using his connections, had the youth’s birth certificate changed from what it was at birth to what would get him into the United States easier when Sir John moved here having himself been granted a number of exemptions to the requirements of a foreign national because he had been useful in the war. He came in by special arrangement not standard procedure.

Sir John did not come to this country the standard way but used whatever was at his disposal to get around the restrictions placed on others even if that meant he got special treatment and had used deception in the process.

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So, when his son condemns immigrants, lumping them all as “criminal illegal aliens”, claiming they should come into the country the established way without exceptions or modifications of existing rules and laws the way the good immigrants do “Me thinks he doth protest too much.”

Those who seek to hide realities because they do not favor them generally do so by distraction and projection. Their crimes either disappear because of lack of attention, or they over exaggerate an alleged threat so that while people work to defend against that, they are unaware that their leader is guilty of the same thing and can avoid accountability because people are too distracted to notice his actions.

Rather than telling the public that immigrants are most likely criminal illegal aliens who should only gain entry by following the rules, he needs to start telling people how his father got here, so that if they can’t enter the standard way, they can find the loopholes to get in like his father did.

And that DACA kid his father brought to this country from Palestine with false documents?

He got the benefits this politician’s political party wants to take from other DACA kids whose fathers haven’t been knighted by a pope.

If we are busy looking at the “criminal illegal aliens” this politician constantly points out, it is because he does not want us to see the criminal illegal alien in his background that he is hiding.







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