Why the difference?


How come Cliven Bundy out west can refuse to pay his usage fees for grazing cattle on our land, and then gets armed militia groups to come in and set up sniper posts to fend off the Bureau of Land Management guys, and there are a lot of threats about shooting people with guns being brandished and citizens stopped on the roads through the area by self-appointed road block “officials, and things remain quiet?

No military presence, but, instead, just a bit of benign neglect with plenty of support from the likes of Fox News and “patriots”.

But when the people of Ferguson, Missouri, started to protest against what they consider to have been a gross violation of the trust that should exist between the police and the policed, with falsely edited videos presented as security tapes, and still pictures of someone who is not Michael Brown presented as him because the guy in the picture has money in his mouth, a gun in his hand, and booze on the table to give the impression Brown was a thug, and certainly deserved what he got, immediately military equipment is brought in to deal with the protesters while not separating the well intentioned and well behaved protesters from the morons while also arresting the press covering the events.

Whereas the media, especially the conservative media, did verbal and journalistic gymnastics to explain away certain racial statements made by Mr. Bundy, they are accepting without question anything negative, real or fabricated that might paint Michael Brown as deserving what he got.
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I know it has to be something other than the difference in hats.

We know it has nothing to do with race.

And it certainly has nothing to do with one group “looking” American.


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