now it’s a bad thing

In the 1990s when the rights of Gay students were beginning to get some attention, students started forming Gay/Straight Alliances, student-run organizations that gave a safe space for Gay students and their straight friends and allies to discuss issues and concerns and to become educated as to who Gay people really are as opposed the accepted and then rejected stereotypes.

Establishing a GSA required following all rules for forming non-curriculum clubs on campus, such as the Bible club, with the club having to be the idea of the students who would then seek a club sponsor, not formed by the school with an assigned sponsor, and they were to follow all school rules and policies as to where and when they could meet, follow all policies already established to control activities, and submit any paperwork required.

Schools and school districts with an anti-Gay animus began to deny the forming of such clubs for no reason other than it went against some administrator’s personal, political, and religious beliefs, regardless how irrelevant these were to the needs of kids.

Most objections can be summed up in one school district’s response to such Gay positive moves that would benefit all students, Gay or Straight when it said that, as important as such things might be, “local norms” would not allow it. Those local norms were conservative politics, the Southern Baptist Convention, and, to a certain degree, the Klan or, at least, those who were Klan adjacent.

They didn’t like gay people, so Gay students didn’t stand a chance.

To address this, Congress passed the Equal Access Act that protects all student organized non-curriculum clubs against rejection because of someone else’s personal, political, and religious beliefs that are irrelevant to the purpose of the clubs and attempt to force these on others froma position of authority.

When a school with other non-curriculum clubs rejected the formation of a GSA, the students had a law that supported their objection to this.

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To get around the law that required GSAs to get the same respect and treatment as all other non-curriculum clubs, school districts simply cancelled all student led non-curriculum clubs, and to make their action more pointed, usually told those who wanted to know why their club was cancelled that it was the Gay kids’ fault because they were forcing themselves on the school, the school they had to attend everyday by law making it their school too.

If peer pressure effectively got the Gay kids to withdraw their ungodly request for a GSA, then the other clubs could begin meeting again.

Kids were divided against other kids, their peers and classmates, perhaps for their whole school career so far, so that older people could continue to prom ot6e their own personal, political, and religious beliefs.

And what if an adult spoke up for the Gay kids?

Do everything possible to harass him into getting a job elsewhere, and if that fails, drum up unsupportable reasons to justify a dismissal from employ, and with the messenger gone, so goes the message.

This was done by those who now decry cancel culture because those they had previously treated as the lesser have removed their freedom to use derogatory terms in reference to them.

Cancel culture is only wrong if it puts reasonable restraint on unreasonable speech and behavior.  

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