To most this will be just a reminder post that many will greet with an expressive “Duh”, but it still needs some repetition to once again get the information to those in the back. Perhaps this time they will pay attention.
So, at the risk of being redundant, allow me to repeat myself again.
Hillary Clinton ended her role as Secretary of State in 2013, living the next two years as a private citizen in a post-public office role and then, as a private citizen, running for president.
During the year before she left public service, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi in Libya resulting in the deaths of the ambassador and the U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer.
They then began a mortar attack against a CIA annex killing two CIA contractors and wounding ten others.
Then, in the aftermath, the United States increased security at all diplomatic and military facilities and began investigating the attack which produced 33 hearings over 853 days (3.33 years) with Hillary Clinton sitting for an eleven-hour session of questioning by the House which, at the end, concluded that she had not acted improperly.
Six of the investigating committees that found that she nor any other high-ranking Obama administration officials had acted improperly were run by Republicans.
Their conclusions, therefore, were obviously not petty partisanship.
Clinton testified before two congressional foreign affairs committees defending herself while accepting responsibility for her actions (“The Buck Stops Here”) in response to the incident. She also made it clear, and the reports accepted it, that she had had no direct role in specific discussions before the attack regarding existing consulate security, the budget for which the very Republicans questioning what they considered weak security had been the ones who had reduced it.
She also uttered the famous quote which her opposition mis-used, morphing it into what supported their predetermined judgment, purposely and selectively applying parts or all of it to things to which it really do not apply as if it were a Bible verse, and to paint Hillary as some heartless harridan so they could avoid dealing with those pesky facts.
She was stating the obvious and showing the proceeding to be the sham it was, when Congressional Republicans questioned her about whether or not the administration had issued inaccurate “talking points” after the attack, Clinton, in making it clear that why the attack happened, something that was clear from the identity of those who engaged in it was less important than what should be done about it, had responded,
“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again.”
In November 2014, the House Intelligence Committee issued a report that concluded there had been no wrongdoing in the administration’s response to the attack.
However, each such finding of no impropriety would just signal the formation of yet another “investigation”.
This House Select Committee on Benghazi was created in May 2014, two years after the attack and one after Clinton had become a private citizen, and it conducted a two-year investigation related to the 2012 attack. Her eleven hour long hearing session was in 2015, three years after Benghazi and two years after Hillary had become a private citizen, no longer holding her former or any government position.
Again, nothing was found against her as the final report that came out in 2016, four years after the attack and three after she had become a private citizen, and, although to validate all the wasted time and money the Republican may have offered some new details about Inhibition tadalafil 100mg of PDE-5 in different parts of the world up to this time. Kamagra is used for the treatment of any kind of sexual problem. order generic cialis has greatly benefited millions of people travel miles to come here in Miami to enjoy fish Miami Beach. Jaclyn Cole Adkins, His Excellency Cyrille Oguin, Ambassador to cialis tablets uk the United States from the Republic of Benin; and Ms. That is why; the medicine of lower cost has come to us that is buy cialis the attack, it, once again, found no new evidence of culpability on the part of Hillary Clinton.
When she threw her hat into the presidential candidate ring, three years after becoming a private citizen and two years after the final report on Benghazi that came out and, as with the previous ones, exonerated her, the Republican Party began to bring up Benghazi as if the multiple hearings and reports had concluded she had been guilty of something when they had not.
The chant, often encouraged by her 2016 opponent at rallies, often in toning it or joining in himself, was the now famous “Lock Her Up” for non-existent crimes not committed before or after she became a private citizen.
Apparently in this case, Republicans see no statute of limitations to going after the opposition even if she has been found innocent of any charge multiple times and has not held public ffice in years.
When it comes to the attack on the Capitol Building, which happened while Trump was still in office, unlike their need to have multiple hearings on Hillary, House Republicans have been opposing a second impeachment hearing from the moment the idea was expressed, and did so within a week of the event.
In the Republican concept of time, the four years between Benghazi and the final Republican investigation is a much shorter period time than the Republicans’ seven days.
Cramming the process to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg into a week was deemed best for the country, but having Trump answer for his part in the January 6 insurrection and the deaths and injuries is just too quick and divisive,
Of course, now that a few weeks have passed, it has been too long between the event and dealing with it, so just let it slide for the sake of unity.
The GOP standard school shooting procedure
The major motivation for opposing an impeachment trial is that Democrats should have just let Trump leave office on Jan. 20 quietly, ignoring that he bears some responsibility for what happened at the exciting DC rally to which he called his supporters.
“Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”,
and then directed them to take their anger out on the Representatives and Senators accepting the electoral college vote in the Capitol.
Unlike with Hillary, the GOP claims that impeaching Trump is only for political purposes. After all, Trump should have been allowed to peacefully transfer power after the insurrection as impeachment was not necessary and any resulting divisiveness and would tear the country apart.
The many Benghazi hearings began when Hillary Clinton expressed a desire to run for president in 2016, and Kevin McCarthy, the Republican majority leader in the House at the time, made it clear why these pristinely motivated hearings were important for the American people stating,
“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee, what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping, why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened.”
But just as with deficits where the Republican defend theirs as necessary for betterment of the people, the fictitious profligacy of the Democrats is unacceptable.
And now the impeachment begins.
Will legal standards apply to all?
If the president cannot be prosecuted for crimes he committed before he was caught for committing them, can’t any perpetrator use the President Precedent and get off simply by stating he was not apprehended until after he had committed a crime , perhaps in some other place, so it should just be forgiven?