vote counting

When I was in Elementary school and a class decision needed to be made, especially if one choice was not the teacher’s preference, she, all the teachers at my elementary school were nuns so I am not being sexist nor giving into gender stereotyping, would call for a vote.

Now this was the 1950s, so “political correctness” was not a thing, and terms used that might now appear to be racist were simply the terms used by one group toward another who probably had no members in many places so we had no idea terms were offensive and harmful to others, we did grow and become more informed as the years moved on, but in those days we had no problem with what the nuns called a “Chinese Vote”.

I had no idea why it was called that, and still don’t.

At that time what I had a problem with was how it was conducted. Calling it a “secret Ballot” and not including any paper ballots in case of a dispute over the results, Sister Mary Tabernacle Door Left Halfway Open would direct us to put our heads down to rest on the one forearm on our desk, and, as the nun intoned each choice we were to raise our hand without peaking to preserve secrecy,

When we were told to sit up straight, the nun would announce the final count, and, amazingly, the class consistently supported her choice by a large majority.

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Obviously, and this I determined by once positioning my face on my forearm so that, in spite of my looking like I, like my classmates. could not see anything, I could see how the vote was actually going, and unsurprisingly the first time I cheated, and during subsequent votes when I took the chance to possibly get caught peaking, I saw the results did not match the actual hand raising.

The nun always got her way, not because she had majority support, but because she could tell us whatever she wanted because none of us could see the actual votes.

I am sure they didn’t vote this way in China, but having only one Chinese restaurant in only one of the three contiguous towns that were on their way from rural to suburban and only one Chinese family in the area who owned it, research about China was not easy, and besides, being the 1950s, could we really trust the Chinese especially after that whole Mao thing?

As we got into the higher grades, votes were done by actual secret ballot on paper too often tabulated by the most domesticated of the teachers’ pets who, because their final count seemed to always favor the teacher, may not have been all that trustworthy.

In my adult years I got politically involved and was a poll watcher, and on occasion a vote count watcher, so I know how the big people’s vote count is done.

When I look at Trump’s educational experience, his whole family dynamic, his boastful lack of political experience, and the control he yields in the Trump Organization where no votes are taken, I am convinced his major problem with the present vote count is that he has yet to realize the democratic process of electing those who work for us, or are supposed to, is not the same as it had been in elementary school, and is watching the current vote counting through the eyes of a third grader.

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