In their objections to marriage equality, the conservative, religious opposition needed to look more at the problems within their own marriages, and less at those of others who want a socially recognized and secular law based union with legal benefits.
Their marriages, as sacred and blessed by God as they claim they are, are, apparently, not as strong or as committed as they would like to portray.
If “Gay Marriage” were allowed, we were told, heterosexual marriages will be threatened and happily married Heterosexuals, and those looking forward to a marriage of their own, will want to enter a Gay relationship or marry FiFi, their Bichon Frise.
In 2016, when Texas was dealing with protecting state pastors from the rampaging mobs of same-sex couples, unleashed by the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell, chasing them down to force them to perform weddings, Bruce Engleman, pastor of the Baptist Temple in Fort Worth said in state house testimony,
“Where are we going to stop with this? Let’s just get to the chase. Where’s it going to stop? I heard of a woman in Florida that married a dog. Am I going to have to perform a wedding ceremony for an animal and a human being? And how can we say, ‘Well, we have to marry certain people against our convictions,’ and then tell a Mormon who’s a fundamental [sic] Mormon, ‘Well, we can’t marry you because you want to marry two women’? Where is this going to stop? We see as evangelical Christians all over America, our rights are being stripped every day, and nobody’s standing up for our rights, except for a few of you senators, and I appreciate that.”
Earlier in 2012, when, after Joe Biden had first expressed support of marriage equality, he was slated to be the commencement speaker at the Johns Hopkins, Ben Carson, the future Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, was quick to tell Sean Hannity,
“Well, my thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition. So it’s not something that’s against gays. It’s against anybody who wants to come along and change the fundamental definitions of pillars of society. It has significant ramifications.”
Carson withdrew his name as the commencement speaker when students protested because students were concerned about his Gay Marriage stating,
“Given all the national media surrounding my statements as to my belief in traditional marriage, I believe it would be in the best interests of the students for me to voluntarily withdraw as your commencement speaker this year.”
Actually, although he attempted to place guilt on everyone but himself, his statement went beyond a defense of “traditional marriage” to comparing same sex marriage to bestiality, and to also claim that objecting to marriage equality being equated with bestiality, especially since among those to whom he would be speaking were GLBT students and their families and friends, was to attack his religion somehow.
Pastor Rob Ketterling of Rivervalley Church in Minnesota told his congregation that if marriage equality is legalized then incest, pedophilia, polygamy, and bestiality will be legalized next.
Jerome Corsi, a prominent Tea Party activist condemned both the Supreme Court ruling that shred the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Prop 8 vote to the annual Collegians Summit in Washington, D.C.,
“Once the logic of a Judeo-Christian faith is broken down, so that people no longer believe in fundamental issues such as sin or…redemption, then of course why can’t you experiment with all these other forms of sexual activity?”,
referring to the standard list of doom for heterosexual marriage, the unleashing of incest, pedophilia, polygamy, and bestiality.
Tim Rabon, pastor of a Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, had condemned Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maryland which had already legalized “Gay Marriage”, asking,
“What is stopping them from refining marriage from a person and a beast? We’re not far from that.”
In 2013, World News Daily columnist Les Kinsolving suggested that people who engage in bestiality should receive the same legal protections afforded to gay people in same-sex relationships, and asking,
“Why not an additional ‘B’ (for bestiality) To LGBT?”
“If lesbians, male homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals should have the right to marriage licenses, why should the real animal lovers (whose orientation is bestiality) not be allowed to marry? The argument that animals are incapable of making a choice is surely invalid in that some animals choose to run away when fondled by humans, while others do not – which certainly indicates their ability to choose. Have there ever been any reports that apprehended practitioners of bestiality have as high a rate of AIDS and syphilis as do homosexuals?”
In condemning the “Sexual Revolution in 2017, Tennessee Pastor Greg Lockecovered all the bases.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen next. This crowd is gonna come out of the woodworks and they gonna be marrying their dogs. They gonna be marrying their cats. Ellen’s already talking about some woman that married herself. That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life, right? You say, ‘Pastor, who in the world would want to marry a horse?’ Yet, ten years ago, if I’d have preached this message, you’d have said the very same thing. There’s no way the Supreme Court of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is ever gonna legalize same-sex marriage. And now? We can barely even say anything about it! And guess what? In Canada, you go to jail for saying something about it.”
In a bit of street theater, the Reverend Edward James of Bertha Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Mississippi stood outside the federal courthouse with antigay signs and a horse dressed in a makeshift wedding gown.
“The horse is to show the ridiculous idea of two men getting married. I’m a Mississippian and I’m praying and hoping that we will remain a state that only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman.”
In a pre-Obergefell debate, Antioch Bible Church pastor Ken Hutcherson claimed that legalizing same-sex marriage in the state would lead to polygamy, bestiality, and pedophilia.
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In 2006, Colorado Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, Janet Rowland, asked,
“For some people, the alternative lifestyle is bestiality. Do we allow a man to marry a sheep?”
Two years later Sarah’s Dad, Mike Huckabee said, while running for president,
“I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again.”
You can’t bring up marriage equality, Gay rights or bestiality without mentioning a Falwell.
Jerry’s rarely mentioned son and pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church, Jonathan, warned that the Supreme Court’s recent decision on marriage equality means
“I can marry a child, or I can marry an animal.”
Tennessee Christian conservative pastor Perry Stone blamed the spread of coronavirus on marriage equality.
“There’s a reckoning because the courts of the land passed a law to take an infant’s life, that it was okay, and for marriage, that we have known it, to be changed into something we’ve never known. Both of their laws – biblically in Leviticus and Deuteronomy – are what God calls an abomination[….] There will be a time when the Lord says, ‘Enough is enough.’”
Of course, as usually happens, like when a pastor who condemns “Gay Marriage” as bestiality or pedophilia gets caught with children and chickens, it was only a day after he claimed,
“We know coronavirus will go to West Virginia sooner or later… but isn’t it strange that the state that voted Trump in by 68%, the biggest state that voted in him, has no virus,”
that West Virginia announced its first case of Covid 19, admitting that it is believed that the only reason it has taken this long for West Virginia to report a case is due to lack of testing, not because they voted for Trump, or, perhaps, hate “The Gays”. Only 84 tests had been given in the state, and when things got organized with increased testing,
Senator Joe Manchin pointed out,
“I have over 720,000 elderly. I’ve got over 220,000 that are critically ill under 60 years of age. If you put all this together, of the 1,800,000 people, I have over a million that could be absolutely, totally devastated by this virus if it hits.”
But, I digress.
Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas, when on a conference call talking about gun control and a proposal to limit the amount of ammunition that a person can buy at any given time, suddenly veered off on what he thought was a reasonable comparison.
“It’s kind of like marriage when you say it’s not a man and a woman anymore. Then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not somebody has a love for an animal? There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage. And it’s the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used then it’s just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal.”
effectiveness of the bestiality obsession became obviously impotent as after 16
years of marriage equality in Massachusetts and five years nationally, the tsunami
of bestiality never materialized. A perfectly good weapon like this bestiality
thing, in the eyes of some, was languishing and might be useful in another area,
and that area has been found.
Frank Amedia, a Trump-supporting right-wing pastor has asserted that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for “animalism” where “somebody can marry a cow and have perverse sex with them.”
What is the 2020 election about?
“This is about same-sex marriage not being approved and blessed in this country. This is not about us changing genders into five and six meanings now. Even sexual preference has all of a sudden been changed in the dictionary to where it’s offensive. How far do they want us to go? Wait until animalism becomes acceptable and somebody can marry a cow and have perverse sex with them. You think I’m laughing. That’s what’s going to come.”
Nowhere in any of this do these objectors deal with a marriage being a public statement of love and commitment between two consenting adults, the word “consenting” automatically ruling out children and animals.
For some reason, however, the bestiality thing just will not die, it just gets moved over to some other issue.
What is Christianity’s obsession with sex with animals?