When Rudi Giuliani attempted to defend himself against the hotel room scene in the latest Borat film, as innocent as he might actually be, it’s possible, part of his defense revealed the underlying reason men have a problem with Transgender people. It is not about “changing” genders, “feeling” like a woman one day and a man the next, or the simple “ick” reaction men have to things they find odd and not for them. It is about protecting masculinity, and, as is often the case, the defense gets stronger as a man’s masculinity’s weaknesses are exposed.
Deflecting from his actions as he lie on the bed in the hotel room where he has just been told by Borat who has just burst into the room to tell him that the girl he is with is only 15 years old, unable defend his situation, Rudi sought a distraction, and one that would win the guys over to his side by comparing his actions with something far worse, a man who isn’t as manly as Rudy believes himself to be.
While offering nothing by way of explanation to justify his defense Giuliani claimed,
“This guy comes running in, wearing a crazy, what I would say was a pink transgender outfit.”
What in Gay hell is a ‘Transgender outfit”?
And there is the crux of the masculine objection to the existence of Transgender people.
A man in feminine clothes is a man in feminine clothes. That would be Cross-dressing, or transvestitism, men, many married, heterosexual and who find women’s clothing comfortable, shop for outfits with their wives, and dress in women’s clothing for certain occasions. But, again, they are men who remain men and who accept themselves as men when dressed as a woman.
A Transgender woman would be a woman wearing a dress.
This was a situation where to deflect by comparison of degrees of objectionable, Rudi went for the, yeah, my action was bad, but his was worse, so I am innocent ploy.
By the way, Rudi knows the difference between Transgender and Transvestite as he has dressed like a woman in the past with no problem and in pictures with Trump.
Besides using Transgender people as weapons and not bothering to learn what being Transgender is really all about because that takes a little mental work, Rudi revealed the guy problem of not knowing and refusing to learn that Transgender is not limited to people aligning their physical being with their true feminine selves, but it also includes people aligning there physical being with their true, masculine selves.
If Borat had entered the room in a football uniform, Rudi could have just as easily claimed he came in wearing a “Transgender outfit”.
But that would be acknowledging reality that is not scary enough for Giuliani’s purposes. He was appealing to men, like himself, whose weak masculinity is easily threatened if not worshipped.
Looking at Homosexuals, both male and female, who in the past were executed for “crimes against nature”, one fact, thou7gh obvious, is often overlooked because looking takes work.
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In the case of men it would be the one “receiving” person, as he had surrendered his masculinity by taking on the role of the woman, and with Lesbians it was the one doing the penetrating because she had the effrontery to assume the masculine role.
It was not that the two people of the same sex having intercourse, but that the male role was either relinquished or assumed.
It was not the act itself. It was not Homosexuality that was the crime. The crime was a man giving up his superior, God-given role, and a woman assuming it.
I was a male-centric situation.
That is one reason why, when speaking about Transgender people, those uninformed who express their uninformed opinions limit their rejection and the examples to justify it cite only men dressing as women because by doing that they defend their own masculinity by proxy.
To consider the other half of the equation, a woman dressed as a man, in the terms of their acceptance of the rejected reality, must be avoided as in the former case the claim is the need to protect the weak, while in the latter it would call for accepting that males can be threatened by women dressed as men.
They are the real men because they object to men not being “manly”
With Gay men, they concentrate on the “Flaming Queen” because that is obviously a ceding of one’s masculinity while they ignore the vast majority of Gay men who are not as visible because they do not threaten the male image.
With the program “Will and Grace”, critics and self-appointed morality cops, like the late Jerry falwell claimed that Will was not a true representative of Gay men because he acted masculinely, had a good job, and seemed well adjusted, while Jack was truly Gay because he was flighty, somewhat confused, and didn’t hold down a manly job, oh, and he swished.
The real problem men have with Transgender people isn’t with the reality of them since those who reject them don it as they steadfastly refuse to learn, but with its being, to them, an attack on masculinity and their own comfort in their own sexuality.
Men, guys, let’s be honest.
When it comes to this whole Transgender thing, it’s just a bit much, and, come on, besides because, well, guys.
There is something not guy about it.
And that is the beginning and end of the whole thing. This is what keeps us from learning. This is what traps us in an ignorance that is below our dignity. It’s not easy being a guy. We carry the weight of the world and the responsibility for it on our backs, and on our shoulders we carry family, work, and the good ol’ U.S. of A.
So, this makes us uneasy.
We don’t get it, so there has to be something wrong with it.
That’s just the way we guys are wired.